
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Let's Get Physical

Another hurdle cleared.

I had been stressing for weeks about today's promotional physical. The city doctors at the municipal health center aren't exactly the best and the brightest - not to mention they define "rude" - but as long as they cleared me, I'd sleep easy.

My appointment was for 11am, and I was thirty minutes early. When I walked into the offices, I almost passed out. It was jammed packed with prospective promotees, most of whom had been there for three hours! Swell. The physical was to include a drug screening/urinalysis (Cool, I get to pee in a cup!), eye exam, hearing test, EKG, and the dreaded hernia check. (Turn my head and do what?)

After sitting for two hours, I was called for my EKG. The tech was pleasant enough, and the test went off without a hitch. About thirty minutes after that, I was called for my physical exam and urinalysis. I was shuttled into a waiting room, put on a very chic paper gown, and went in to see the doc. He checked my eyes, blood pressure (which was a tad high), and the ol' twig and berries. There were no signs of a hernia, and the doctor didn't even buy me lunch afterwards!

I breezed through the hearing test and was sent on my way . . . after four hours. I am now officially cleared for promotion, and the event is scheduled for Monday morning. Tonight, however, I'm going out drinking with the guys. Hopefully, I'll be sober in time for the ceremony.


  1. Buwahahah... I hope the ole 'twig and berries' didn't get pruned!

    Gives a whole new dimention to mistletoe with holly berries on 'em...

    "I was in the pool!!!!"
    -George Constanza

  2. Congrats! I'll raise a beer to you tonight! Aw hell, why wait...

  3. Peak - I hope I didn't have significant "shrinkage."

    Rach - Have you met Peak? He has a drinking problem, too. :P

  4. Wyatt - the only problem I have is getting rid of the empties ;)

  5. Yay Wyatt! All that worrying and for what? Oh yeah, beer...m'kay it might've been worth it:)

  6. Good luck Monday. Do you receive your assignment on Monday?

    Have fun, and drink one for me.

  7. *raises glass to rachel and wyatt*

    CHEERS! ...problem? what problem?

    It's a good thing!

  8. ... oh and I'm watching the Bills beat the Broncos right now and have to talk smack for the short while that Buffalo has the lead!

  9. Rach - Nice! Forget the recycling. Just throw them in the neighbors yard!

    SK - Those that have known me for a while, know that I worry about EVERYTHING!

    RT - Thanks. No, we don't find out. We go back to training for another week and a half, and should receive our assignments on the 27th.

    Peak - Thanks. The Bills can't hold a lead. Broncos rule!!! Heh.

  10. Peakah, You're a Bills fan? That's enough to drive anyone to drink. I speak from experience... That's not to say I don't still have my "Boy I Love Losing Superbowls" shirt. But I wear it with love...

  11. Congrats!! I'm glad you passed all the hurdles and wish you luck in finding a district close to home! Hey, miracles do happen, right?

  12. Hooray! Do they give you a psych test, too? I'd worry about that one...

  13. Rach - Heh. Bills. Loser.

    Maria - I'd need something akin to Immaculate Conception.

    Gunny - Yeah, I'd sweat that one.

  14. See, you worried for naught! But I have to agree with GN! You didn't think you'd escape without a zinger, did you? ;)
