
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Bombing Begins In Five Minutes

The hack media is abuzz with speculative reports that the Bush Administration is secretly planning an attack on Iran. Some reports have even suggested that the attack could involve nuclear weapons. Although the President has denied these claims, the media has (as usual) ignored him. Coincidentally enough, SYLG has uncovered additional “Secret Bush Plans” that may shock and awe you.

Top Ten Lesser Known “Secret Bush Plans”

10. Eliminate Yale’s lacrosse competition by sending Condi Rice “on assignment” to Duke.
9. Film Catholics at Muslim-dominated camel races to look for discrimination.
8. Turn the Middle East into a sea of glass. (Oh, that one is widely known.)
7. Sabotage the Thermos Corporation to make the hot side cold and the cold side hot.
6. Manipulate television broadcast signals to make Helen Thomas appear ugly.
5. Only send Ben Affleck lousy scripts to make him seem like a lousy actor.
4. Keep his oil coffers full by mandating Americans change their oil every 3 miles.
3. Frame Jack Bauer for murder. (Sorry, that’s a President Logan Secret Plan.)
2. Bring back the J. Geils Band.

And the number one Secret Bush Plan:

1. Allow millions of illegal immigrants across the border so they can “Vote for Pedro.”


  1. You loudmouth son of a farflenobber! I'm going to kick your ass from here to Antares!

  2. Mox - Don't rob a bank (or enslave a planet) with that guy!

  3. Hey man, I like 24 and am conservative and stuff, but I see that you also hate the media, which is my number one issue! Let's be blogging buddies. Read my blog: www.waldofiles.blogspot.com

  4. Great post! Too dimwitted to add to the humor and sarcasm today.

  5. Thnaks all! And to think, I had squat for ideas until 3pm.

  6. All right. You saw my blog. Sweet. Needs some work, I know. You answered correctly and win...amazingly dangerous bragging rights! And your name may possibly be named in my next post. Maybe.

    My current blogging buddies:


  7. Isn't it the pentagon's, i.e. the war department, JOB to have war plans? That's one damn big building down there in VA - what do people think they do there all day? THEY PLAN WARS! If they didn't have war plans drawn up, shouldn't they all be fired? Can you imagine if Bush sat at a secret cabinet meeting and said, ok, we need to invade North Korea, and all the generals looked at him and curiously said "gee, never thought of it. we'll think on it a bit and let you know what we'll need".

    Frankly, I'd be pissed if there ISN'T a big filing cabinet with plans to invade each country on the planet in case the need arises.

  8. Yeah, Vinnie!! See, and everyone wondered what I did for the Government.

    I also have plans for each neighborhood in a 500 mile radius.

  9. Hey...what if we make a plan to rush the borders?

  10. Hey rt,

    Just made a run to the border, had a delish chimichanga and a soft taco supreme. mmm.. oh, you meant RUSH the border. Better yet, how about all the americans cross over and start living down in Mexico and eventually take over? Would the illegal aliens cross back over? If the govt took the welfare system away, would they all leave?

    DL - if you want to know which of my neighbors to take out first, let me know, i have a list.

  11. mmmmmm......nachos bellgrande with extra sour cream.....Yep...my cousin's ex-husband's mom came here from Cuba. First thing she did...register for social security benefits. @*$*$*%R*#()@A@!!!!!!! My mom who has been out of work over a year, mostly unskilled...can't find a job and wants to work. Hmmmm.... The local Wegamart won't hire her, but they seem to have hired everyone under fifty...just another spur under my saddle.

  12. LMC - Thanks!

    CUG - How did I know you'd be a fan?

    Vinnie - Holy crap! That was a very lucid, insightful comment. Have you been drinking Jameson?

    Deathlok - Cool! Black Ops!

    RT - I'm in!

    Vinnie - I'm partial to Chalupas. And I want to add some neighbors, too!

    RT - Deep cleansing breaths . . .
