
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Gunslinging Birthday!

In a despicable affront to one of our American Heroes, I almost forgot that today is Hugh O'Brian's 81st birthday. Who is Hugh O'Brian, you ask? Amongst other works, he played the lead in television's "Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp."

Happy birthday, Hugh!

Hat Tip: Uncle Ray


  1. Are you going to send him a piece of your birthday cake? Sat, 22nd, the Earpster will be another year older--two years closer to FORTY!!!! hehehe

    Oh yes, Ssssteve,first!!

  2. And I was going to wish you a happy Bday Lin! But not now!! I am not going to wish you a happy Bday now! Nope, No Happy Bday to you!

  3. That guy has a big head.

  4. Lin - It's THREE years closer to firty, sugar! I'll be 37. Now SHUT UP ABOUT IT!!!

    Ssssteve - I agree. I also will not wish Linda a HAPPY 50TH BIRTHDAY!

    Randal - Agreed. He looks like a bobblehead.

  5. Hugh was the name of the first Cartridge in America, 1620. No lie.

  6. You and Ssssteve have a real big....MEAN streak!! And why are you so touchy about having a birthday? Maybe we should start singing "You're So Vain"!

  7. Have an awesome birthday, detective, sir.

    I get to share my birthday with Woody Allen....get out the noise makers.

  8. Lin - If I were vain, I'd be posting it all over the place, not trying to ignore it.

    RT - OUCH! Hope you're not a pre-pubescent Asian girl!
