Why does the label on a pack of Breath Savers say “Sugar Free – Not for Weight Control?” Are supermodels consuming only Rumple Minze and Breath Savers?
Why is Wednesday called “Hump Day?” Shouldn’t that be reserved for Saturday nights?
Is everyone pooling together enough dough to buy me this for my birthday?

If Pamela Anderson leaves California at noon driving westbound at 55 mph, and Paris Hilton leaves New York at 3pm driving eastbound at 65 mph, which one will get to the Chicago Free Clinic first? Be sure to show your work.
ReplyDeleteNeither. Paris ends up in Florida, Pamela Anderson never makes it off I-710 in LA.
Did you see Paris Hilton's "Happy Birthday" rendition to Hugh Hefner?
ReplyDeleteEgads. I needed to bleach my eyes and ears after that.
It is a toss up as to whether it is worse to see Paris "V.D" Hilton singing it in slut garb, or Helen Thomas.
Anyway, it's on thesuperficial.com
you screwed up your east and west
ReplyDeleteParis makes my stomach turn! Yuk! May they both drive off a cliff! (With Hefner in the trunk!)
ReplyDeleteToo bad we don't have your home address for your birthday..when is it? Oh yes, APRIL 22nd! Could you make that flash? Don't be shy!
The Man - Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteAFW - Didn't see it, but if you're bleaching your eyes, I don't want to :)
Waldo - Purposeful. They are both blonde bimbos.
Lin - SHHHH!
As per the directions they're going, they both pull a Kennedy off a pier somewhere, and the world is a better place! :)
ReplyDeleteAt least Pamela wouldn't drown. She comes equipped with her own water wings. As for Paris...I thought petrified wood floated.
ReplyDeleteI'll buy you the car if you pay off my debts so that I can escape NJ for the beautiful West. Thanks. Appreciate it.
Hehehehe....I thought everyday was humpday for you!!!!
ReplyDeleteMichael and RT - I meant the directions foul-up as a joke because those two don't know their east and west. If I knew it would spawn such a brew-ha-ha, I would have omitted it :)
ReplyDeleteLin - I wish!
Uh...I was going along with your joke. :) That lack of tv thing has you a bit touchy, eh?
ReplyDeletethe 22nd?!?! That's Beef and Beer night. . . or breathsavers and beer night! Is Vinnie comin'?
ReplyDeleteWho actually built the 2nd Death Star? Stormtroopers don't know how to put in a toilet main. All they know about is white uniforms and killing people.
ReplyDeleteRT - Yeah, we won't have it back until MONDAY!!! Eight days without TV! Ugh!
ReplyDeleteDeathlok - Yeah, I'll be wasting, er, spending my birthday with you toads. And I don't know if Vinnie's coming.
Chi-Town - It was part of the joke, but no one got it. Sorry.
Randal - They were independent contractors, like Done 'N' Ready.
Do you or do you not want the electric blower?
ReplyDeleteTy - It's not necessary to be hooked up, as long as I can show it off.