
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Welcome Another One Of My Minions

What was once a pitiful little band has now become the ultimate power in the universe.

Frequent commenter Rachel has joined the blogosphere, and although I would like to take much of the credit for that, she has her links listed in alphabetical order. Thus Support Your Local Gunfighter is near the bottom. Damn, why couldn't I have named this blog Aardvarks Ahoy?

Her blog is officially named "Pay Heed To The Geek," but her blog address pays homage to her favorite 24 character: www.channellingchloe.blogspot.com.

Anyway, please make her feel right at home by stopping by and saying hello.


  1. Rachel, nice rant but we nonbloggers can't comment on your site. And BTW I'm in the Phoenix area too and I'm not sure what country our Gov thinks this is.

  2. Yeah, Rach, what the hell?!! Heh.

  3. A site named after Chloe? Where is the B4B linkage?

  4. sk - fixed that. I didn't think I'd actually ever come out of the "blogging closet" so I didn't think very far ahead.

    Wyatt - shouldn't you be off planning your birthday party or something? I mean it is only 3 days away.

    the man - I was torn between the Chloe image and one of the smaller ones... I'll decided today. After I find the asprin.

  5. Please advertise me like that. I'm sick dead jealous.

  6. You showed up for work, looking like that and they still asked for a doctor's note?

  7. Wyatt,

    You have cool friends. Thanks for introducing me.


  8. The Man - Word up. We only get about 1,000 hits a day there as it is. (And this piss-poor blog struggles to get 100 a day. Ugh.)

    Rach - SHUT UP!

    Waldo - I usually only pimp once in a blue moon.

    Insol - See what lack of sleep can do to a guy? Look at those bags!

    Rach - My BLOG friends are cool. My real life friends (Deathlok, Vinnie, Randal)? Not so much.
