
Monday, May 01, 2006

The Big Time!!!

Guess who's scheduled to be interviewed over at Basil's Blog? Well, yeah, Right Wing Prof, and The Man, but somewhere down the line, I will also join the ranks of the Great Interviewees!

If you'd like to submit a question for the upcoming interview, just click on this link here.


  1. It's tooooooo far away. Oh, wait ... that give me lots of time to think up a question.

  2. So you're saying that 47th on the list. Possibly, the 47th most interesting blogger (not counting everyone else who has been interviewed); possibly not?

    Perhaps you offered the 47th best bribe? You offered Twinkies, didn't you?

    Maybe you're the 47th heaviest person who blogs? I would have said 47th thinnest, but c'mon, who are we kidding?)

    47 - That's 10 more 'men' than Veronica had (37).

    47 - the number of jellybeans that you can fit in your mouth at one time?

    47 - the length of my longest poo?

    ok, I'm done.

  3. Ty - Good deal.

    Gunny - According to Basil, the order usually rests with demand. Thus if I get a lot of questions, I am bumped up the list.

    Randal - See above. Ass. And this is important, so try not to ask any questions about poo.

  4. A lot of questions.....I can do that! And no, they won't all be weird/gross/rude; but one or two might
