
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Welcome Back, Chris!

"Where did you learn to cook, Afghanistan?" - Dr. Petrov, The Hunt for Red October

So, what did you do on your July 4th weekend? I had the extreme pleasure of spending it with a true American hero. My neighbor Chris returned home from his tour in Afghanistan last week, and his family threw him the biggest party I have ever seen.

Chris works for the government, but is also an active member of the naval reserve. And of course, in the navy's infinite wisdom, they shipped him of to a country nowhere near a body of water! He spent the better part of last year over there, doing what he called "great, necessary work." Even though he spent a year away from his wife and three young children, he never complained, and did his job like a true professional.

Later in the day, Chris' wife put in a DVD of his photos from Afghanistan. After the third or fourth, it became clear that all of the papers and news stations were right: nobody wants us there. It was just picture after picture of smiling, laughing children - that Chris must have had at gunpoint, because they all despise us, right? Dopes.

All in all, it was a terrific day, worthy of a terrific man.


  1. They should all be welcomed home with such parties and fireworks! Hero doesn't begin to describe these guys/gals.

    I have the honor to be sponsoring a soldier in Iraq. Despite recent reports that need full investigation, the overwhelming majority of our guys are decent, wonderful people who do a job most of us wouldn't volunteer for.

    Thank you for the smile this evening!

  2. Those damn fascists. Who do they think they are? Building schools and stuff. Ha! More like indoctrination centers. Those kids were smiling from the mind control drugs.

    Seriously though, it's always a great day when those men and women come back.

  3. What a great way to celebrate! Please thank your neighbor from my family as well. I have some great photos from 'stan and Iraq with our guys and laughing children. It's amazing what a beenie baby or teddy bear can do! Not to mention clothes and schools;)

  4. Great holiday post! Even though your neighbor missed a whole year of holidays with his family, it's wonderful that he's back for the U.S.A.'s birthday.

    Have a happy 4th, Detective!
