
Monday, January 22, 2007

Evil Thoughts

"Evil thoughts, all the time." - Charles The Brainchild, The Tick.

Every so often, someone says to me, Wyatt, you're such a nice person. Stuff like that really gets my goat. I mean, I was once found to be 100% Pure Evil! In response to such ludicrous statements, I am christening a new semi-regular feature: Evil Thoughts. A cornucopia of crotchety thoughts running around inside my dark, dark mind.

* There's a gaudy memorial to a woman who was killed in an auto accident on the road to our local ice rink. It was a billboard adorned with pictures, stuffed animals, and tons of other useless crap designed to distract you while you're driving. Personally, these memorials are a joke: isn't that what cemeteries are for? Anyway, while driving Kyle to skating on Sunday, we passed the memorial, which was destroyed. How, you ask? A vehicle slammed into it after an auto accident! I just laughed and laughed and laughed . . .

* As if it wasn't funny enough that a Philadelphia firehouse burned down two weeks ago? Late last week, the very same station (Engine 73) caught fire again while workers were making repairs. Now, that's my idea of comedy!
* Did anyone else giggle when the Saints' "feel good story" was unceremoniously ended by a Chicago Bears whitewash yesterday? Better luck next year, floodies! HA!
Ah, I'm going to Hell.

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