"SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Concern over a possible indictment for perjury will keep Barry Bonds from cooperating with Major League Baseball's steroids investigation, the star's lawyer told local media."
What's the big deal? Bill Clinton perjured himself, and was lauded as a hero of liberals everywhere.
"The San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday that George Mitchell, the former US Senator leading a probe into steroids in baseball, has sent letters urging players linked to the BALCO steroid scandal to cooperate."
A last grasp at respectability from a sport that is quickly turning into the new boxing.
"But Michael Rains, Bonds' lawyer, told the Chronicle that the San Francisco Giants outfielder cannot cooperate as long as he faces possible indictment. A grand jury is looking into perjury and tax charges against Bonds." (H/T - Yahoo! Sports)
And yet, Bonds expects to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Unreal.
I know what you're thinking: "Wyatt, why do you have a proverbial hard-on for Barry Bonds?" Well, it's simple, really. In the last decade, baseball has become the liberal hippie sport of choice. True blue baseball fans have a holier-than-thou air about them - many, but not all - and they proudly proclaim their "sport" to be pure and chaste. At the same time, these hippies ignore the rampant steroid use and abuse amongst their biggest stars, and still pay good money to see the Bonds' and Sosa's of the league. It's truly hypocritical.
Pete Rose bet on baseball, and fans wanted him lynched for ruining the "integrity" of the game. These same fans were suspiciously quiet during the McGwire/Sosa home run race of a few years ago.
You tell me which player truly ruins the "integrity of the game."
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