
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Where Are They Now?

When I first started blogging, well, re-blogging in June 2005, I made a lot of "blog friends." They were people who commented here and linked my blog, and I gladly reciprocated. It wasn't a huge circle of friends, but there was a decent number of us. I did my best to visit their blogs every day, and comment if I had something non-idiotic to say; which was rare.

A week or so ago, I was talking to Rachel via e-mail, and she noticed something that I didn't want to admit to myself: many of my original blog friends stopped posting, or now only post sporadically. And I'm ashamed to say that it bothers me a little.

Yes, I know. I'm a selfish bastard. Welcome to SYLG.

Don't get me wrong, I respect their choice to stop or slow down a little. God knows I didn't think I'd still be doing this for so long. And as the wife always tells me, I could take this blog time and re-direct it back to the kids, leisure time, or sleep. All worthwhile goals. But I'm emotionally torn. Watching terrific bloggers like The Man and Woody retire is disappointing because if talents like these are quitting, a circus clown like me has no business in the blogosphere.

The fact of the matter is that The Man and Woody retired. Grimjack hasn't posted since November. And Damian, Deathlok, Rachel, Insol, Sssteve, and Uber blog only sporadically. (Uber has an excuse - she's writing a book. I heard from Doc today - he is having Blogger issues. And Rachel is having severe back issues.) Nevertheless, for two years these folks have pushed me to write to the best of my ability, and when they aren't posting, I kind of feel like one of Angelina Jolie's "children."

It's kind of like college at the end of the school year when some of your friends are graduating, and some are dropping out. You know next fall won't be the same. You want to be happy for your friends who are graduating, but you're going to miss them, so part of you is disappointed. That being said, you also know you'll make new friends next year, and life will go on.

This is not a plea for everyone to start posting on a daily basis. I just wanted to let my blog friends know that I miss them.

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