
Saturday, July 28, 2007

Is She Kidding?

Someone get some slings for the Democrats' arms. They've sprained them while patting themselves on the back again . . .

WASHINGTON - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi used the Democrats' weekly radio address Saturday to tout her party's passage of legislation to implement major recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

The House passed the bill Friday on a 371-40 vote, a day after the Senate passed it 85-8. The White House said the president would sign it.

The legislation would shift money to high-risk states and cities, expand screening of air and sea cargo and put money into a new program to ensure that security officials at every level can communicate with each other.

Its passage ranks among the top accomplishments of the 6-month-old Democratic Congress. Republicans would say it's one of the few.

"We will have done in six months what previous Congresses failed to do for almost six years," said Pelosi, D-Calif. (H/T - Yahoo!)

Um, Nance, would you mind if I 'splained a few things?

First of all, this is the first and only meaningful legislation your party has passed since you came to power. Is it good legislation? Sure it is, but it has done little to overshadow the idiocy and incompetence of your "sleep over" and your unending Iraqi troop withdraw proposals.

Secondly, your party did just as much as the Republicans in getting this legislation through Congress. Unless you folks own 371 House seats, and 85 Senate seats, the GOP could easily be patting themselves on the back, as well. Nice try, though, since too many people in this country believe everything that comes out of your thoroughly-wrinkled mouth.

Finally, the fact that it is good legislation has everything to do with its passage, and almost nothing to do with your party's part in it. Congress voted for this because it was smart, common sense legislation - something rare for The Hill. Few, if any, people voted for it because of the Democrats' spooky, Svengali-like powers.

Nance, if you want to take credit for this, be my guest. But don't you dare to take it all! You and your party didn't deserve it.

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