Hey,Since I always try to respond to my readers, I sent him this reply:
From your blog, I assume you are in law enforcement, so thanks for your service. You, and several of your guests, made negative remarks regarding Miss North Dakota. These remarks are completely unfounded, untrue, and disrespectful. I'm not sure why you would insult this individual, given the fact that she is one out of 50 participants in the Miss America pageant; actually, I don't know why you would insult a female in general, unless you are trying to grab attention.
Please remove this post and all associated comments with it.
I didn't hear from Mr. Frederick for a while, until I opened my e-mail this evening. Here was his reply to the above listed response:Robert,Thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, I do not take requests, especially when they call for censorship of my blog. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the blog before you made any judgments. My blog is one of comedy. You're familiar with that term, aren't you? If not, I'll help you out:com·e·dy (km
) n. pl. com·e·dies
1.a. A dramatic work that is light and often humorous or satirical in tone and that usually contains a happy resolution of the thematic conflict.b. The genre made up of such works.2. A literary or cinematic work of a comic nature or that uses the themes or methods of comedy.3. Popular entertainment composed of jokes, satire, or humorous performance.Thanks again for your e-mail. The post stays.
You have no honor!Apparently, Mr. Frederick is a Klingon. Look gang, in case you're new to SYLG, let me explain what goes on here. 99% of the posts here are attempts at one of these things: sarcasm, comedy, and angry rants. The other 1% deals with hot babes. If this is offensive to you, by all means, please stop reading. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's sensibilities.
Feel free to click on the above link to the story. After you read it, please tell me where I made unfounded, untrue, and disrespectful remarks. I merely said she wouldn't win - she didn't, by the way - and make a passing reference about her nose. Hell, I didn't even rip her in the comments section - you guys did.
So, quad erat demonstratum, Mr. R. Frederick really hates all of you!
Whew! Thank God! I was starting to feel remorse there for a second.
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