You really couldn't make it up... a Welsh police force is training its dogs to head butt criminals rather than bite them, because politically correct - 'PC' - bosses are afraid that allowing the dogs to bite criminals will infringe their human rights!
The policy, devised by North Wales Police, comes as a result of increased compensation claims from members of the public who have been bitten by police dogs.
Officers say the toothless tactic provides a safer way to tackle uncooperative offenders, and dog squads may soon adopt it across the country. But critics say it is another example of political correctness gone mad - putting the rights and safety of criminals before cutting crime and protecting the public.
Rather than biting suspects, the dogs have instead been trained to disable their targets by leaping at them and delivering a flying 'head-butt'. Under the scheme, the dogs would be muzzled to prevent them from biting. To protect the animals, a metal rod across the front of the muzzle helps absorb the impact of the strike. (H/T - K9Magazine)
Officials stated that the idea was originally conceived by French soccer star Zinedine Zidane. Heh.
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