
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tagged At Christmas

Pam tagged me with a Christmas Meme. As such, I need to answer a few questions. Stuff your stockings, kids. Here goes:

1. Wrapping or gift bags? I totally suck at wrapping gifts, but even I'm not lazy enough to gift bag everything. So, I wrap.

2. Real or artificial tree? For the last three years or so, we've gone with the real tree. The artificial one took up too much space in the attic, and we need a lot of space for the bodies of all the people who have "wronged us."

3. When do you put up the tree? If the wife had her way, it would be on June 1st. We usually go for the first or second week in December.

4. When do you take the tree down? On or around Little Christmas, January 6th. Of course, if the wife had her way, its rotting corpse would be sprawled in our living room until April. Heh.

5. Do you like egg nog? Abso-smurfly not! Disgusting stuff.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? The Atari 2600. Wow, that takes me back.

7. Do you have a Nativity scene? Yes. It's live-action, but I use Mexicans, so I don't have to pay them.

8. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? One year, my mom bought me sweatpants with the Notre Dame name and logo on them. She forgot that I despise Notre Dame.

9. Mail or e-mail Christmas cards? Mail, usually with the kids' pictures on them. I omit the lengthy "Story of Our Lives" that accompanies a lot of cards, though.

10. Favorite Christmas Movie? It begins and ends with A Christmas Story.

11. When do you start shopping for Christmas? It gets later every year. When I was single, I'd be done by Thanksgiving. I started this year's festivities yesterday. Dang.

12. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Look at me! It has to be butter cookies!

13. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored, but clear lights on the house.

14. Favorite Christmas song? Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. Classic.

Well, there ya go. I'll spread the holiday cheer by tagging Captain America, Deathlok, and RT.

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