Take Sssteve, for example. Heh.
Sssteve was traveling up and down the eastern seaboard this weekend on a multi-state business trip. Since he was running the gauntlet from Washington D.C. to Boston and back again, he asked me if I wanted to get together on Saturday afternoon. Like I'm gonna say no to a guy who just endured the vast liberal wasteland that is Massachusetts. Although I was working the 3pm-11pm shift that night, I was all for it.
Luckily enough, we were able to meet and greet a few blog pals while we were at it. Captain America hitched a ride with me - and bitched and moaned that my 80's new wave music was "giving him the gay." RT drove in from New Jersey and (amazingly) didn't get lost driving around the Garden State's frequent circles. And last but not least, Fitch made the trek to the Big City from Amish Country. But don't get him started on the Amish . . .
We were scheduled to meet at Famous Dave's Bar-B-Q in South Philly at noon. Of course, when waking up at 11am is not conducive to early arrivals. I jumped in the shower, drug the Captain out of his house, and off we sped. Always the showoff, RT was in the parking by 6am. When we met her, she was enthralled by a group of liberal hippie protesters trying to get people to boycott a pet store. The Captain wanted to go over and break out his snark, but I kept him at bay. He did, however, make a hysterical comment about the irony of telling people not to buy pets at a pet store, but it escapes me now.
Sssteve pulled into the lot soon thereafter and we decided to go inside. Fitch was stuck in Flyers traffic only a mile or so away, so RT said, "Screw him. Let him starve!" Captain America was actually starving, and was pushing people to the floor to get to the table more quickly. Of course, he pissed everyone off because he (and Fitch) are skinny, while Sssteve, RT, and I are in the Blogger Blubber Battle. The Captain ordered wings, and onion strings for an appetizer, and I stuck with Diet Coke as Fitch joined us.
Then the wings came.
Four wings later, I was better, if not a little guilty. Jeebus, they were out of this world! We ordered the rest of our lunch, and started gabbing like a couple of Long Island yentas. When we were done making fun of the waiter - he looked like the pot-smoking driver from Super Troopers - the fun began.
Other items that may or may not need an explanation:
- Someone gave Sssteve the wrong directions home.
- Fitch needed to pick up poster board and celery on the way home.
- At one point in the meal, Captain America called RT a "crack whore."
- When the onion strings arrived, the Captain asked, "How do you eat these?"
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