Guard taunted in jailbreak note kills himselfIn my profession, this sort of thing happens more than you know. Too many people take this job far too seriously. They are never off-duty, and are always on patrol. It is hardly a recipe for good mental health. Law enforcement is just a job; that's it. And even though I have been introduced this way: "This is Wyatt . . . . he's a cop," the second my shift is over, I forget about police work.
NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) -- A guard who was named in a cheeky thank-you note left by two jail inmates when they chiseled their way out of their cells has committed suicide, his lawyer said Wednesday.
Rudolph Zurick, 40, was found dead at his home in Middlesex County, said attorney Michael J. Mitzner. Zurick had not been charged in the December 15 break from the Union County Jail and had been cooperating with the investigation, Mitzner said.
"Everything I understand, he did nothing wrong," said Mitzner, who spoke to Zurick on Monday. "It's hard to know what goes through someone's head."
Mitzner did not have Zurick's cause of death. (H/T - CNN)
This escape was not Mr. Zurick's fault. He did not collaborate with the inmates, and he was not derelict in his guard duties. These toads got lucky, and they tried to blame Zurick. Who the frak cares about what some wastes of oxygen think? It appears that Zurick was riddled with guilt over the escape, and took his own life as a result. This is a terrible shame.
I posted about the original jail break HERE. The inmates involved are still at large. Hopefully, when they are captured, they resist arrest and have to be put down.
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