
Monday, February 11, 2008

What's The Matter, Colonel Sanders? Chicken?

I have to admit: this stunt took a lot of pluck.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS 3) ― Students at Northeast High School in Rhawnhurst are being dismissed early Monday morning after a 'fowl' prank was pulled over the weekend.

Police said someone released approximately 75 chickens inside the Northeast Philadelphia school sometime over the weekend.

Plenty of feed was also thrown inside the school so the animals involved in the poultry prank stayed well fed.

Reportedly the school was littered with waste, leftover feed and various other chicken byproducts.
(H/T - CBS3)

Now that's comedy! This school is located about a mile or so from Casa de Earp, and while I don't condone such a germ-filled, disgusting act, I can certainly appreciate the comedic aspect of it.

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