
Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Sometimes Teammates Aren't Exactly Teammates

This is a photo of Julia's goaltender on the left, and Julia on the right. Julia and the goaltender are besties. They are two peas in a pod, practically sisters.
I mentioned the Lansdale game, where the varsity lost 7-0. Halfway through the game, many of the seniors were yelling at her because she was letting goals by. Mind you, Lansdale is one of the better teams in the conference. It's difficult to be a goaltender already, but it's worse when you are getting yelled at by your own "teammates." The goalie was pulled from the game - probably because it was such a rout - and the goalie grabbed her equipment and walked home.
Since Monday, Julia had been begging the goalie to come back. It's already Wednesday, and the goalie still refuses to come back to play. I can't blame her, since a lot of the seniors were terrible to her. Julia said she is not letting her quit.
Julia is distressed because her school sister still isn't coming to field hockey practice. I mean, Julia will still continue playing, but she's not the same person without the goalie. The goalie is the nicest person you would ever meet, and I consider her the other daughter of our family. I really hope she comes back. Julia doesn't want to play without her.


  1. Where were the coaches?!? They should've stepped in & stopped the bullying when it happened.

    1. I wasn't there - working - but it turned into a shouting match. The goalie is effectively a part of our family, since Jules and her are always together.

      The good news is Jules and the goalie coach got her back on the team. I cannot wait until I see her on Monday and tell her we're so glad she came back.

  2. Hopefully things get smoothed over, but good on her for coming back.

    1. It's apparently one girl who isn't that good a player.

  3. When my grandson was in grade school, he played soccer. He loved it because he loved to run. He could run the entire hour without breaking a sweat. He was also pretty good at making goals. The coach was the best coach I've ever seen. He was strict and fair and he made sure every kid got to play, even the kid who kinda stood around and picked flowers during the game. The coach's grandson was a fantastic player. Our team was beaten only once by one goal. Other team coaches were angry/jealous of our coach and accused him of cheating. They claimed his grandson was years older than the other players -- not true. Our coach did the best he could to ignore them, but he finally said he wouldn't return the following season. That was about 15 years ago and our team still remembers him fondly and what a great coach he was.

    1. I'm going tout to Julia's game on Monday. After that, they have three games left. It'll be nice when that other girl leaves.
