
Sunday, January 19, 2025

It's Back Again

Well, I caught another bout of basal cell cancer. It was on the front of my nose, despite the fact I have been using sun screen when I'm out when it's hot.
This would be my third or fourth procedure, but at least my surgeon is really good at this. I guess I have to continue to cover myself when it's hot outside.
The procedure isn't that terrible, and I get a day away from work on Wednesday so I can heal. Wish me luck.


  1. Damn, dude, 1 more surgery & we'll have to start calling you Michael (Jackson).

    Sorry this is happening. Good luck!

    1. I just put up a post about the basal cell extractions.

  2. Replies
    1. Three times to get it all out. And I have twenty stitches down the center of my nose and some under my nose, plus some which will dissolve. Twenty in all.

  3. Hang in there. My wife is currently doing topical chemo cream on her arms. It seems to never end.
