As soon as we entered the park, we made a b-line to the Q-bot station. The Q-bot is a mini electronic system that allows people to make a reservation on a ride. The Q-bot scans in at the front of the attraction, and it tells you when you can come back to jump to the head of the line. It costs a little more, but it's well worth it. The most time we spent in line for any ride was about ten minutes. Kickass!

After Ka, we tripped the light fantastic with Batman, Batman and Robin, The Great American Scream Machine, Medusa, Nitro (twice), and Superman (twice). Nine coasters in eight hours equal F-U-N! And now, some of the highlights:
* The only ride we jumped on that wasn't a roller coaster was the bumper cars. (I know, we're juvenile, but it was great!) While standing in line, we were mocking the mental defectives that can't drive the cars – you know, the ones who pivot in circles for the entire trip – when we noticed a pattern: everyone who was in an orange car was a dope. The attendant made us laugh out loud when she said "Orange car, wrong way!" to one of the knuckleheads. It was the catch phrase of the day.
* Chris, Colleen, and Kim almost passed out on Nitro. Near the end of the ride, the coaster goes into a set of high-speed ovals that are truly frightening. When we got off, they all said that their vision started to go black from the G's! Cool.
* Forget gate security, SFGA needs fashion police! We were shocked and appalled at some of the wardrobes the patrons were sporting. Fat chicks wearing spandex and skinny, toothless girls not wearing bras make for a sobering day.
* People suck! During the ride to the park, I told my family that I hate people, and they told me that it was because I had a bad attitude and my profession perpetuates that feeling. As if! Imagine my glee when the other three were talking about calling in an air strike for the wretched refuse that surrounded us!
All in all, it was a good day.
Hooray! You deserve some fun! Yeah, bumper cars are gay, but there's something intoxicating about smashing into people and laughing your a$$ off.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally jealous... when my boys bust that 48 inch height requirement for the 'good' rides, we're gonna tear up all the amusement parks. You just got me excited for them again... it's been several years since I've been!
ReplyDeleteKarma - Superman was great, but it's not for everyone. I'm 36, and I was feeling queasy after some of the coasters - which never happened before. But, I've been riding them since I was 10, so . . .
ReplyDeleteHave fun at Irish Weekend!!!