
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stupid Questions

Will someone please tell Sylvester Stallone to just give it up already?

Does anyone think that President Bush will receive any credit for the national murder rate dropping to a 40-year low? Nah, neither do I.

Did you notice that this week's episode of Saturday Night Live was entitled "The Best of David Spade?" I was surprised they didn't run a test pattern for ninety minutes; it would have been funnier.

It is possible to burn out a DVD player from overuse? I just purchased Batman Begins, and plan to run it on a continuous loop until I have to go back to work on Wednesday night!


  1. It might get bored before it burns out.

  2. Stooopid Bush.
    Look at all those jail workers and lawyers that will be out of work!

  3. Here's a couple of stupid questions for you. I watch Cold Case, which as you no doubt know, it set in Philly. Are you really required to disarm and put your firearm in a locker before entering the office? I mean, how nuts is that?

    Second, is there something wrong with me since I've now lived in Pennsylvania for three months and have yet to get the urge to drive to Philly? I mean, is it normal to want to stay in the center of the state?

    Always appreciative, sir, even if I don't live in Philly.

  4. GunnNutt - OUCH!

    CUG - Yeah, I would hate to see the lawyers lose money.

    Prof - You have to disarm and place your weapon in a locker if you are entering a cell room (obviously), and some detective divisions have tried to utilize that policy, but no one ever complies. In an operations room (the district office) we all carry our firearms - you never know when some nut will come to the window and try and shoot up the squad.

    As for your second question - stay where you are. You're not missing much.

  5. Test pattern! LOL SO true!

  6. As for Sylvester, put him back in the fridge (Demolition man).

    I find the exercise of checking SNL for good content, is about as exciting as checking my bathroom ceiling for mildew growth.

  7. SNL is still on? Well wonders never cease.

  8. Isn't everybody from Rocky dead except for Stallone and Shire? You'd think he'd take it as a clue:)

  9. Lin - :)

    Insol - I swear to God there wasn't ONE skit where he was funny. NOT ONE!!!

    Doc - I was amazed, too.

    SK - Actually, "Pauile" (Burt Young) is still alive, too. That shouldn't be the impetus for a new film, though.

  10. Thanks, I'll stick around here for a while. One of these days I'll run down there to see the liberty bell. Very red state here, a lot like Indiana, except for those state laws. I about had a stroke when I found out about the inspections. I believe my response at Midas was something like, "You have to get your car inspected? What kind of commie state is this, anyway?"
