
Monday, November 14, 2005

Doug Forrester: Idiot

"Hot Dog! We have a wiener, folks!"

Former New Jersey Republican candidate for Governor Doug Forrester is like school in the summertime: no class. Forrester, who couldn't win a one-horse race, blamed last week's loss on President Bush, because G.W.'s popularity had been slipping.

It's all George W. Bush's fault.

Doug Forrester, in his first post election interview, laid the blame for his loss in the governor's race last week directly at the feet of President Bush. He said the public's growing disaffection with Bush, especially after Hurricane Katrina, made it impossible for his campaign to overcome the built-in advantage Democrats have in a blue state like New Jersey.

"If Bush's numbers were where they were a year ago, or even six months ago, I think we would have won on Tuesday," Forrester said. "Katrina was the tipping point."

Um, Doug, you lost to John Freakin' Corzine! A cardboard cutout of Theodore Roosevelt could have beaten this man. You dropped the ball. Now go tell your parents you're a loser.


  1. Anywhere else on earth a cardboard cut out of T.R. could beat Corzine, but his elections in New Jersey seem to be like the Kennedy ownership of Massachusetts.

    I may be missing something, though, as a Californian living in New Jersey. Some kind of missing mindset.

    And if I have any mental issues, I blame it on those two factors listed before.

  2. I have to agree with airforcewife, Wyatt. John Thorazine could drown his wife, by driving his car off a bridge. The NJ zombies would still be drawn to the polls by the stench of entitlement graft. I sometimes feel like Kolchak the Night Stalker, here in MA.


    AFW - There is sort of a messed up Bermuda political triangle which envelops New Jersey, New York (How do they vote for Hillary and Charlie Rangel?) and Mass. It's the damnedest thing!

    Insol - "Thorazine." That's brilliant!

  4. Former Governor Jim McGreevey's former lover/head of NJ homeland security could have given Corzine a better run for his money.
