
Saturday, January 28, 2006

An Awful Anniversary

Twenty years ago today, the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded shortly after takeoff, killing all aboard.


  1. I remember coming home from school after taking some mid-terms and putting on the tv. The shuttle had just launched and then it exploded. I can still remember the faces of the families in the gallery. They were joyful because they were witnessing the launch, confused, and grief stricken all at once when they realized what had actually happened. Very sad day. I talked to my students about it yesterday.

  2. <--wuz in 5th grade and had a teacher who had obviously been crying whisper something into my teacher's ear.

    A few minutes later the TV was wheeled into the class room as kids from other classrooms all gathered into ours.

    The tv was turned on and we just sat there and watched mesmerized for about 45 minutes... you could hear a pin drop... then we were dismissed from school for the rest of the day...

    My future Physics teacher in highschool was the second in line to the teacher who made that fateful flight that day twenty years ago...

    Tears still come to my eyes when I remember that day...

  3. I'll always remember the faces of the families who were there.

  4. I was in the third grade, and we had a substitute that day. She disappeared from class for about ten minutes and came back and delivered the sad news to us. It still is burned into my memory and it still makes me choke up. I never thought I'd see anything else on TV that would break my heart like that did- but sadly that was not the case.

  5. 3rd grade? 5th grade? 3 years before I was born? Damn you're old Wyatt.

  6. RT - I was a junior in high school, and heard about it in Accounting class.

    Peak - They showed the footage a million times, and it never got easier to watch.

    AH - Damned young-ens!

    Lin - Me too.

    Pandy - Yeah, like the Columbia, 9-11, Michael Moore . . .

    Wagon - Bite me. Your sister was a junior in high school, too!!!

  7. It was one of the saddest things I ever watched. AND I'm not about to say anything that gives my age away....you're all pups!
