
Sunday, January 15, 2006

My First Hate Mail!!!

Take a moment and read this little gem from a huge fan from across the pond. This guy is terrific! I wish my posts were half as funny.

"I find myself in total agreement with all that you say. I am British and I am proud of my nation. Like your country Britain has its left-wing traitors, these people should be put to the sword. Indeed, if Britain had not been betrayed by liberal elements in the 1770's, it is likely that our great country would still control Northern America and people such as yourself.

I am a born-again Christian and I firmly believe that Jesus was a extreme right-winger. Those liberals who tell us to read the sermon on the mount are liars. The sermon on the mount was falsely placed in the bible some Lilly-livered 1st century radical who stupidly believed that all men and women were born equal. These idiots have been around for centuries-we have to eliminate them with our sidearms.

In this country, as in yours, there are too many liberal newspapers. As many as 2 newspapers out of 11 are liberal; this is too many. I watch Fox News on my television and it is far too liberal. I think you should do something about it.

I am currently campaigning for the arming, with heavy guns, of all our citizens so that we can catch up with murder rate. I cannot tolerate being behind you Americans. I am in total agreement with those neo-fascist Christians in your country who suggest that the end of the world is coming shortly. Indeed, it can be said with certainty that all intelligent life has disappeared on the fascist right, the slot that you so clearly belong to. Hitler would be proud of you.

Yours, Seanus Liberatus"

(His real name allegedly is Sean Connor, according to his e-mail address: sean.connor@amserve.com.)

This would have been posted sooner, but my spell-check imploded after running through Sean's e-mail. Atrocious spelling, no space between words, and the requisite Hitler reference make for delicate proofreading. I responded to this simpleton, but I wanted to reiterate something that a lot of people still don't understand: my e-mail address is rightwing24@peoplepc.com. This has nothing to do with my political views, since 1. I rarely post about politics anymore, and 2. I am more of a Libertarian than a "neo-fascist."

The e-mail address is the position I play in ice hockey, and my uniform number. I know I explained this dozens of times, but I guess it takes longer for word to spread across the Atlantic.


  1. FIRST!
    OH YEAH!

    AND 24 starts tonight!

    A perfect day...

  2. The best of Britian's MEN died during the WWII era... like France, it's now full of whiners with bad teeth who don't know how to barbeque...

    ...well, at least their beer is decent...

  3. "I cannot tolerate being behind you Americans."

    Oh honey, the American men I know are terrified of you being behind them too...it's just un-natural!

  4. His attempt at satire certainly isn't Swift's "Modest Proposal."

    It cracks me up that conservative folks are always labeled as fascists, yet who does the personal attacks for not thinking like "them?" I am a teacher, and I have to keep my mouth shut about my philosophies and my religious leanings. You should hear those who feel free to let their philosophies fly! If anyone thinks differently than them it is completely unacceptable...why, they are alwas right, of course and anyone else is in a conspiracy to eliminate their rights. I even heard there is a conspiracy to get evangelical Christians on school boards to take over the country's educational system. I kid you not! I'd like to go to Britain to pummel this arse! I'm second generation American-Brit...he's giving my family a bad name, dernit!

  5. I love getting those, and trashing the writers. It's amazing how closed minded the "tolerant" crowd is, isn't it.

  6. CUG - 24 was friggin' awesome! And I won the pool by saying who got whacked.

    Peak - He gives the impression that everything he knows about the US is by watching Fox News. Wow. Now, THAT'S closed-minded.

    Anti-Hippie - I love Blair, and a lot of Brits do not. That's a shame, since he'll probably go down in history of one of the most effective PM's.

    SK - Agreed.

    RT - I also have roots in Britain (as well as in Ireland), but this guy writes his opinions like he's known me for years. That's arrogance of the highest level.

    CP - Actually, my reply e-mail didn't trash him at all. I just asked him how he came to his conclusions after reading a handful of posts.

  7. The guy is psycho. Not sure what he's on but must be some strong stuff.

  8. Hey that was funny!! what a moron!!! *punches him in the nose*!!

    So true sk, so true!!

  9. That. Was. Hilarious.

    By the way, so sorry my Avs beat your Flyers. What an awesome game, though.

  10. lol

    Geez, I post political stuff all the time and I never get hate mail. Am I being too nice? Too boring? What?

    Please tell me what I'm doing wrong!

  11. Their liberal indignation tastes so sweet, like tears mixed with sugar.

    The best part was pretending the Brits could have somehow maintained an empire here if we hadn't kicked their asses out. They can't even control the UK, how the F could they control the US of A?

  12. Hey Earpy, I'm English, Irish and a touch of German--wouldn't it be funny if we were related?? What was that sound--you didn't faint, did you?! And if that was your first piece of hate mail, I guess you didn't get my email last....oh, never mind!
    Do they let mental patients write letters? Just wondering! ;)

  13. Your first? Really?

    You've arrived.

  14. YAY Libertarian!

    I have only recieved a few hateful comments. no email.

  15. Congrats. I still remember my first hate mail.... I like leaving the spellcheck off when posting their crappings.

    Good job...rightwinger

  16. LMC - Probably weed laced with PCP>

    Sssteve - Yeah. "Uninformed Dope" comes to mind.

    TOWSRUN - Damned Sakic!

    Uber - Um, you're hot? No one criticizes attractive women . . . ever.

    DBS - Yeah, maybe when they get the whole Belfast thing under control, they can throw stones.

    Lin - The Brits obviously do.

    Prof - Yeah. My first for SYLG, anyway. Middie Back got a lot near the end.

    Ty - Don't worry, it's coming. :)

    TM - Honestly, the spelling and punctuation errors were so bad, no one would have read the entire thing through. It was that bad.

  17. I once had a "progressive" chick tell me that I should have been castrated at birth.
