Okay, deep breath.
First of all, the only reason anyone voted for Kerry in '04 was because they hated George Bush. This is one of the reasons that people's voting status should be revoked. Voting against a candidate, rather than for one, is idiocy.
Second of all, does this mean that we're going to suffer through countless embellished Vietnam stories? We get it John, you served in 'Nam. We're very proud of you, now shut the hell up!
Finally, and this may be the clincher, we are going to have to go blind looking at Tereza "Tootsie" Heinz Kerry for another two years. Cripes, this woman makes Zsa Zsa Gabor look like a decent human being! I don't know how I'll stand it.
I'm sure he's reading, since he hasn't ever done a damned thing in the Senate, so John, here's some good advice: stay the course. With candidates like you and Hillary Clinton running for the Democrats, a Republican victory in 2008 is all but assured.
Now, go eat some delicious hay.
SSSStevie--just tap-dancing by to say FFFFirst!
ReplyDeleteEarpy, I think a jackass would be more appropriate for KERRY! Did you know he went to VN?
He's got 3 purple hearts you know. He also voted for the money for the troops before voting against it.
ReplyDeleteI had something really witty to say but saw that picture of Kim again and I can't remember what I was going to say!
ReplyDeleteCrap I leave for a minute and Linda gets first! *shakes fist at linda*
I know he got purple hearts for something and I will give him credit for going but he has more than used it for all the mileage he can.
ReplyDeleteSSSStevie, look deeply into my eyes--can you tell what they're trying ro tell you? Lean over and let me whisper in your ear.......you're toast!
(And you know I mean that in the nicest way! Oh, sorry about the nuzzle!)
Yeah, this enforces my opinion that they like losing.
ReplyDeleteMaybe this time around he'll tell us what he did to get those purple hearts.
Forget Tsa Tsa. THK makes Joan Rivers like she's sober.
ReplyDeleteUmmm Uber, I'm pretty sure he'll never tell cause it would cause Tootsie ie Terrrrazzza to cut off funding! God I loathe that man almost as much as drunken Teddy.
ReplyDeleteI think that they (John and Hillary) are both done, unless they find some dirt on Mark Warner, who does have a shot.
ReplyDeleteConsidering their history, Warner better double lock whatever closet he's hiding skeltons in.
Yea! We get to hear Terrrrraazzzza go on and on about her husband....Sen. Heinz. She talks more about him (obviously the love of her life until the unfortunate accident) than horse-face.
ReplyDeleteAnyhoo....at least it will entertaining!
Hope your detective work is going well. Damn...now I have to boycott Heinz products again and they taste sooooo good.
This time around we'll not only see more of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, but we should see a new group: Former Kerry Speechwriters for Truth!
ReplyDeleteAs much as he blamed them for all his his problems last time around...
Lin - Yeah, I think I heard that somewhere. And will you and Ssssteve take your sexual tension on a private chat room?
ReplyDeleteDoc - Yeah, I heard that once or twice, too.
Ssssteve - Focus! Maintain!
Uber - Nah, he'll never tell, because he doesn't want anyone to know that he was injured by an egg shell, and not a mortar shell.
Insol - Nice imagery!
SK - Imagine a drunken Kerry!
CP - Here's hoping. If the Hill-dabeast wins it all, I may move to france like all those phony baloney celebs "said" they would.
RT - One of my best friends at SJU had a job lined up with Heinz right before the accident. She was devastated; not because she lost the job, but because he was a genuinely nice man.
Gunny - Who didn't he blame? 'Cept himself, I mean.
Very well said. I can't believe Kerry thinks he has a prayer of winning the nomination let alone the presidency.
ReplyDeleteOh, if he would only pick Dean as his running mate, my life would be complete.
ReplyDeleteI was not in Viet Nam, however, I did flip off a guy in a Kia once...
Wyatt, that's funny coming from you!
ReplyDeleteLMC - He thinks it, because he's an idiot.
ReplyDeleteCUG - The KIA comment is fabulous!
Lin - Whatever do you mean??? I am tension-free! (SARCASM ALERT!)