
Monday, January 02, 2006

Wyatt Likey Kimmy!

My new post is up at Blogs4Bauer. It involves Kim Bauer (pictured) and my utter disdain for her character. Of course, that has nothing to do with my utter appreciation for her more tangible assets . . . Check it out here.

Of course, since my site meter killed itself from a lack of recent hits, you guys may still be recuperating from the holidays.


  1. Wyatt have GOOD taste!!!


    First w/FLAIR!!!!

    Stevie boy is probably still in bed.

  2. I'm tellin ya...get some Brad Pitt photos up fast!

    Oh yeah...I didn't wish you a happy new yr did I?

    Well...just in case..

    Happy New Year!

  3. Put up a Brad Pitt photo and I'll send you naked pictures of Janet Reno!

    (only kidding)

    Kimmy is an uberhottie, you can keep putting her picture up.

  4. Heh.
    He said UBER hot.

    Now I'm confused...
    or aroused...
    or something.

  5. OK...who's the sickie with nekkid pics of Janet Reno? EEEEEWWWWWW Just the thought...

    PS...more Tom Selleck please ;)

  6. And you thought it was just me! He's going to be on the Ellen Show today! Going to record it to play over and over! Go ahead Earpy, post all the babes you want!

  7. She takes me back to the lustful days of Nicole Eggert... mmmm... I'll be yo Charles in Charge baby!

    No no no to Brad Pitt, Janet Reno, or the hairy one, Tom Selleck...

    ...I have a feeling that Janet Reno would be considered 'the hairy one' too... Keep those picts to yourself CP!!! *hurl*

  8. Peak-a-boo--that comment about TS was a provocation!

  9. JC - Or trying to get those old bones out of there . . .

    Uber - Only if he's standing next to Angelina. And Happy New Year to you, too!

    CP - Do it, and you're banned from here!!! :)

    CUG - Kim is uber-hot. Uber is Kim-hot. Or something . . .

    SK - Are you and Lin in cahoots?

    Lin - Sweet! Ya know, you'll have to still go to work. You can't call out sick to watch Tommy Boy.

    Peak - Eggert. Nice.

    Ssssteve - Hey! Who woke Steve up?

  10. I will never tire of that picture............................................

  11. Man. Whew. This is so soothing to my eyes, after seeing what the Emperor put up over at Point Five.

  12. OMG Insol! Give a girl some warning, I gotta go hose my eyes out. eeewwww That's right up there with nekkid Janet Reno. Bleh

  13. linda: guilty as charged...

    Wyatt! Book 'em!
