
Monday, March 06, 2006

3, 2, 1, Jump!

Starbuck really wants you to watch.

Dave at Garfield Ridge has an excellent post about Battlestar Galactica's two-part season finale here. He laments, as do I, that more people don't watch this, the "Best. Show. On. Television."

And remember, the longer you wait to start watching, the more you miss.


  1. I spent the better part of the last month watching all two and a half seasons of Battlestar. . . . and then I forgot to watch it on Friday.


    Fortunately, I am taping it tonight.

  2. Deathlok - You will NOT be disappointed!

  3. I'm watching it now.
    Just coming on board.

  4. CUG - Good for you, chief! You'll thank me later.

  5. Cug, Just to let you know. The are AT THIS VERY MOMENT showing the last 5 episodes. The season finale Part 1 is being shown at 3PM (EST). The wife is taping it and I watch it before or after 24 tonight.

  6. My husband loves Battlestar, me-- I'm just not into Sci-fi. But I thought you might be interested in a website billiedoux.com. She does reviews on sci-fi shows and cult tv shows. I'm there to read her reviews of Alias and La Femme Nikita but she also reviews Battlestar Galactica.
