
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Fat Stat Update

Damn. My Aunt Helene warned me that posting my weekly weight was not the brightest thing I have ever done. Today, I would agree with her. After a really stressful week, I went from 226 to 229 pounds.

Ah, that stressful week crap is just that: crap.

I blew it this week, and spent my time eating junk that knew I shouldn't eat. Hopefully, this week will be more successful. The hockey game tonight will help, as will lacrosse practice. Maybe I should just vomit like the supermodels?


  1. Not only do I feel for you on a good food/bad food level, but I had to go to lunch with people scarfing meat in my face today. I have never wanted a Quiznos prime rib sub so much in my life...

    But no, I have to eat tuna fish.

    GRRRRR. Fall back on what we women always say, Wyatt - it's just water weight.

  2. I'll see what i can do to help you along on that vomiting plan of yours.

  3. Hey, I once had to deal with this after the doctor put me on some meds that made me so hungry all the time that I knocked my own kid down for a pb&j sandwich. Ok, I exaggerate, I only yelled "WOULD YOU HURRY UP!?" when she wasn't taking her hand out of the bread bag fast enough so I could make my own. lol

    Anyhow, I just ate normal stuff and cut portions down a tiny bit at a time, like a little each week so the tum had time to shrink and adjust so it was painless. I didn't see any results at all for several weeks then all at once it seemed I was back in a 6. (Yay! I was afraid I'd never see 6 again lol)

    I think maybe withholding too much all at once makes it harder to stick to and makes us think about it too much and then have to eat even more. Maybe small gradual changes are better long term? :)

  4. No advice, just support--hang in there and don't become so discouraged that you throw in the towel. Just as every little bit of "bad" adds up, every little bit of "good" does, too. :)

  5. AFW - I had chicken for lunch down at court, and the missus told me an hour later that it was Ash Wednesday. And I coach at a Catholic high school! Dang. And don't cut me any slack. I failed this week.

    Vinnie - I know you will. NO JAMESON!!!

    Uber - I don't believe you were ever a size 6! You're more like a 4 :) I'm trying to cut down, but I honestly don't exercise enough. That's the key.

    RT - Bad day today since I was down at court, but drank only water at lacrosse practice.

  6. One thing that has really worked for me, but takes some getting used to is eating an apple around 3pm. It keeps me from getting that "starved" feeling and at dinner, I have more self-control, thus giving me a little more will-power in the evening...I have my days though...like last night.

    If you have healthy alternatives with you, you'll guilt yourself into the right choice 90 percent of the time. Otherwise, you'll just obsess about that goodie someone put on the table next to you that you can't get your eyes of off...or you notice the yummies in the vending machine a bit more. It's hard.

  7. RT - I'm looking into a Hannibal Lecter face mask. That should help.

  8. You have a threadmill---use it!

  9. H: 5'9", W: 229, Waist: 38

    How can you have a 38 waist? I'm a 36 at 5'10" 170lb

  10. Just keep repeating..."Muscle weighs more than fat". :)

  11. Ty - I can't explain that, but I can send you a pair of my pants to prove it to you. (Brokeback Moment!)

    SK - The only muscle here is between my ears.
