
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's Funny When It Happens To Them

Talk about some good news.

"Knight Ridder, the second-largest newspaper company in the United States, agreed Sunday night to sell itself for about $4.5 billion in cash and stock to the McClatchy Company, a publisher half its size, according to people involved in the negotiations.

The deal, which is expected to be announced on Monday, comes as the newspaper industry is gripped by uncertainty. Readers have begun to drift away from printed newspapers as their Web sites have experienced sharp gains in use."

This story gets better for folks in the Philadelphia area, because the McClatchy Company has stated they currently have no interest in the two local rags, er, newspapers, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Philadelphia Daily News. Thus, the two publications are in limbo; their fate uncertain. Both publications have a highly liberal slant - in fairness, the Daily Snooze is Howard Dean liberal, where the Inky is just John McCain liberal - and have seen readership run away screaming as of late.

Dear Jesus, I come to you as your humble servant. I ask only that you hear my prayer, and smite the Inquirer and Daily News. I pray to see their writers wandering the streets begging for food. Please use your everlasting wisdom to show them the folly of their liberal ways, and make them realize that if they were a little closer to the "center," they may still have gainful employment. Amen.


  1. The Lord knows we need more liberal smiting.

    And FIRST!!!

    But not in the GOP and the city contest - :(

  2. We should all join hands and say your prayer with you. If it works, please take photos;)

  3. Lovely prayer. lol So wrong yet somehow still so right.

    Best laugh I've had all day...ok, probably more like witch giggles but still.

  4. Bring back the Bulletin!!!!!! Oh...I saw the edge of something beneath this post that is making my heart skip a beat. Could it be hot Rod?????

  5. CUG - Lord, tell my whom to smite, and he will be smoten! - Homer Simpson

    SK - It'll work . . . I hope.

    Uber - That's okay. Giggles works.

    RT - It is indeed. Have at him!

  6. I'm quite fond of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (pittsburghlive.com). There aren't many conservative papers left in the US -- and that's one of them.

  7. Wyatt, you have to admit that the Stinky has moved from being to the left of Howard Dean to its current McCain status lately. Not that I'm defending it hard, I can't.
    As for the DN, they can have a lot of sins, but I remember 2 things:
    (1) They still stand up for Danny Faulkner;
    (2) Their sports section thrashes the Stinky's.
    What they need is a publisher with the guts to move one paper significantly to the right... not even hard-right, like the Trib-Review or the WashTimes, but just to the right of the muddled middle.
    History lesson: It used to be, a long time ago, that newspapers were proud of having an ideological identity. That was before the days of one-newspaper (or, in Philly's case, one newspaper company) towns.
