
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Q&A Time: With A Twist

Well, it's time for the Law Dawg to answer your questions. But, this time, I'd like to steer them away from the job a little, if possible. Not to be discriminatory, but how many times can I answer questions about my service weapon? Thus, feel free to ask me anything else - if there is anything else - and even personal questions are welcome.

Leave your questions in the comments section, and I'll have the answers for you on Friday.


  1. why do babies wait to pee after you take the diaper off?

  2. heh, bet you didn't see that one coming :)

  3. If you had the green light to go Jack Bauer on someone's arse, which torture technique would you start with... if he was extra stubborn, how would you proceed?

  4. Well since Ssssteve is obsessed with poo and pee, lets go in another direction. The age old question... if you could be anyone in the world,who would you be and why. Can I ask another? Who influenced you the most in your life? I know the questions are boring, but the answers usually are not.

  5. I'm sure it's a pretty easy guess "no", but do you think we'll have a Republican Mayor in '08?

  6. Did you teach your wife any "take-down" techniques? And if so, does she use them on you when you get mouthy?

    ///hubby made the mistake of teaching me the knee thing...

  7. Pat's or Geno's? Wit or wit out? Whiz, American, or Moz?

  8. If you answer anything but with & whiz, I'll drag you to Jersey.

    And you forgot Jim's or Tony Luc's

  9. That red shirt you were wearing the last time I saw you, how many batteries does it take?

  10. What kind of wine does one serve with Rack of Goat?

  11. What would you do if you were allowed to be alone in an interrogation room with President "Weasal" Logan??

  12. Why is JimmyB jealous?
    Why is the mayor of Philadelphia not named Wrong-Way Street?
    How many cheesesteaks (wid, of course) can Fast Eddie Rendell eat while his chauffeur is going 97 mph in a 55 zone on the Turnpike?

  13. anti-hippie - it's always george bush's fault, you should know that by now :)

  14. Boxers or briefs?

    J/K--I hate that question!

  15. Sorry.
    I only had a question about your service weapon.

  16. I know I'm late...sorry. But, why is sky blue? AND If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be? Why?
