
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Stephen A. Smith Is A Racist Hack

Yes, I realize everyone knows that, but it felt really good to write. For the blessed few who have never heard of Stephen A (the "A" stands for a-hole), he is a "sports columnist" for The Philadelphia Inquirer, and host of ESPN's god-awful "Quite Frankly." I put "sports columnist" in quotes because: 1. calling him a columnist makes the assumption that he is a decent writer, which he is not, and 2. his favorite sports are race-baiting and Sticking It To Whitey.

When Smith is not apologizing for Kobe Bryant or other African-American athletes of ill repute, he is kissing the proverbial bum of the worst human being on earth: Barry "Mr. Steroid" Bonds. In today's commentary, Smith writes that Bonds' alleged (HA!) abuse of steroids was only an attempt to "level the playing field (Mark) McGwire allegedly desecrated with his own unethical practices."

That's right, Stephen, Bonds only used steroids because The White Man used them first.

During the McGwire/Sosa home run race, Bonds allegedly said, "They're just letting (McGwire) do it because he's a white boy. They'll never let (Sosa) win." Smith briefly chastises these comments, before writing, "But what, pray tell, was Bonds actually wrong about? The fact remains . . . a large segment of the black population feels exactly the same way Bonds does" Including, obviously, Stephen A. Smith.

Smith continues with a tired argument that "many black folks" think Bonds is only the victim of a "witch hunt" because he is on the verge of eclipsing Babe Ruth's (read: Whitey's) #2 spot on the all-time home run list. Smith writes, "I'm black, and I'm no different."

Really, Stephen? You're black? I never would have known reading by your material!

Just before I reached for the duct tape, Smith ended yet another racist diatribe: "In Bonds' eyes, McGwire started this mess, not just because he cheated, but because he was celebrated for it." McGwire started it! That's an excuse for someone out of kindergarten now?

Once again, The Black Man is the victim, solely because The White Man started it. The White Man is guilty as sin, and The Black Man was only trying to set a level playing field. Does Smith realize how this sounds? Bonds and McGwire are both (allegedly) adults, capable of making their own (stupid) decisions. They are not pre-schoolers. Don't use a pre-school excuse.


  1. Hmmmm. . . . {sarcasm on} well then, y'all will love to read what I wrote about this {sarcasm off}.

    One thing you wrote bothered me Wyatt, I mean, your opinions are your opinions and as such at least you have some, but should you write Bonds' abused steroids? Steroid abuse is, IMO, what the issue should be about, but has anyone else suggested Bonds has abused steroids, or simply used them to some degree?

  2. Fm - Whoa, take a breath! Agreed on all counts, though. White players in sports? Well, there's still hockey.

    Gnome - Actually, Smith also wrote that Bonds allegedly abused steroids. I would agree with the allegedly, since I don't know. I think I left that allegedly out, so I apologize.

  3. AMEN BRO!! I have been wanting to write something about these two BOZOS!!! Stephen A is a total Racist!! He is soo blatant and the idiot "white" boys on ESPN just let him get away with it!! Another thing, At first when McGwire started using Andro it was sold over the counter! It was not a controlled substance. Barry Bonds is a selfish, spoiled little brat!! If I was Hank Aaron I would totally make a stink out of this!! I am so sick and tired of this crap!!!

  4. Actually, it's the word "abused" I was asking about. "Abuse" is rather different than "Use".

    If Stephen A used it, well, that only echoes your complaint about his writing skills.

  5. Stephen A Smith is a hemorrhoid. He can't be an asshole because assholes are necessary. Without assholes, we'd all be full of crap. But hemorrhoids are unnecessary because they're a pain in the ass.
    If I want substance in a sports section, I don't read Stephen A Smith. I much prefer Bob Ford when it comes to Inky sports columnists. And if I want to hear quality sports commentary from a brother, give me Michael Wilbon any day (forget Stuart Scott).
    BTW, Wyatt, I got my views on the Flyers' trades posted.

  6. Every time I've seen this schmuck blowhard on tv I immediately turn the channel... Animal Planet is more interesting than any opinion that self proclaimed genius has ever put forth.

  7. I don't care about other sports, but if you use Steroids in Baseball every record you hold should be erased. Although they could make steroids mandatory and that would all change.

  8. Aside from the steroid issue, sports is the only venue where the actual physical skill set takes precedence over the BS, PC affirmative action garbage that gets layered over all other jobs. In fact, it is in full 180deg opposition to this moron’s racist posturing. If we demanded racial ‘balance’ in sports, 83% of players would be white, reflecting the general population. It is in fact, market balanced, which is appropriate.

  9. In the end, the steriods will "abuse" Bonds' body. Does Lyle Alzedo (sp) ring a bell...many atheletes have become gravely ill or have died as a result of steriods. Maybe it is a form of self-mutiliation; therefore, wouldn't that be a form of mental illness? Hmmmm.....no one seems to disagree that Bonds is crazy. :) What is sad is that a good (but very arrogant) athelete chose to risk his health and a future with his family for personal glory. He would gladly sacrifice his body for his sport, but would he sacrifice his career for his family?...Oh...and Stephen A(hole) Smith is an arse times ten. He's on Daily News once in a while and I tried to watch his show once (Iverson was on). Smith is an excuse monger....the best was when he tried to stick up for T.O. What a dork.
