
Thursday, March 02, 2006

There's Something About Reese

While I don't give a rat's arse about this year's Academy Awards, I do hope that the lovely and talented Reese Witherspoon takes the Best Actress Oscar for Walk the Line. And . . . I haven't posted a babe here in a few days. For shame!


  1. I think she's a great actress!!

  2. Wyatt,
    The Doc dilating your pupils must have worked!! You finally came through with a "real" babe!!! I even watched vanity fair because of her. Sweet Home Alabama is one of the best.

    Uber, you need to get out of clackityclackity or wherever it is you live and see some movies. :)
    Don't you have a satellite dish?? I thought everbody in the south had a dish mounted to there trailer. Git-r-Dun!!! That's funny, I don't care who yu r!!

  3. Now that is more like it!!! Whooo Hooo!

  4. LMC - I agree.

    JC - Hey! I post "real" babes all the time!!! And if you get your ass beat by Uber, it's not my fault.

    CUG - Word.

    Sssteve - Agreed.
