
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Fat Stat Update

I'm still sick as a dog. After sleeping on my comfy chair for most of the day yesterday, I went to bed at 9pm, and didn't wake up until 8am. My doctor's appointment was at 8:45, and I trudged over for the bad news:


My blood pressure was 130 over 90 - probably a result of you people - and I have exactly what Kyle has; a severe throat infection akin to strep. Swell. I am already on amoxicillin from a previous cellulitis infection, and the doc said that if I wasn't already on antibiotics, I would be praying for death right now. So when I asked him if I could go back to work tonight, he laughed, and said absolutely not. Double swell. So, I reckon I'll be lying around the abode for most of the day, trying to conjure up something even remotely entertaining for the blog. Stay tuned.

Oh, the illness hasn't done much to my Fat Stat. Today I am at 227 pounds. Down two from last week. Cripes, I'm on the verge of the Supermodel Diet. Eat, vomit, repeat.


  1. Hope you're feeling better soon...that diet sucks!

  2. SK - Thanks. Feel like I was hit by a bus.

  3. Your poor wife! No bigger baby than a sick husband who expects to be waited on like he's on his deathbed! Remember that when she's sick!

    Lap up the oj! and take all of your meds--hopefully, they'll make you sleepy so you won't have as much time to whine about how you feel! I hope the rest of the family escapes it! Yeah, I know, I'm kicking you while you're down! Suck it up! hehe

    If I hear Tom Cruise's baby called the tomkitten one more time I might start puking!!

  4. Lin - I was only whining on the blog. I am expected to mow the lawn today, so shut yer word hole! :)

  5. Is that a good idea in your weakened condition? With fever? I would think that you and Kyle need to try to sleep some of this off.

  6. I'm back...Happy B'Day to Linda! (if I read her comment right) I'll have a drink for ya in DC and a few for me as well:)

    PS Wyatt..seriously take care.

  7. You should try the Crytsal Meth diet.

  8. Linda, not all of us are like that!!! Just um, um, all of us! Yeah your right!! But, that is what makes us so lovable!!

    Wyatt, now with all this down time you can blog like crazy!!

    Hey and whats with the word verification fgaypf

  9. Lin - Gotta get done. The doc said to rest, but maybe I can sweat this out . . .

    SK - I'll be fine. No worries. :)

    Doc - Either that or the crack diet. Ya rarely see fat crack addicts.

  10. Sssteve - It now reflects the visitor. I keep getting fatyfatfat.

  11. Sweat it out, hun? Well, tell the ambulance driver that's what you were doing when they pick you up! Not as young as you used to be, ya know?! hehe

    SK- I'm 3 days behind the Earpster! (literally!) Thanks and have a good time in DC! Did you see where CJ is closing shop?

  12. Wyatt wrote: "So, I reckon I'll be lying around the abode for most of the day"....

    So how is this different from every other day?

    Perhaps you can watch a video. I recommend "Best of Both Worlds" !!!

  13. Take two BreathSavers and call me in the morning. :)

    Get well!

  14. Well, it's hours later--still breathing?

  15. My husband carries his weight well but is heavier than you. He has been doing very well recently though and has lost over 40 lbs. He entered a competition through a local news station. If they pick you, you get to have a free membership at a gym for a whole year and you get a free personal trainer. He made the cut of being 1 of 80 out of 20,000. Tomorrow he finds out if he makes the cut to 20.

  16. Lin - I only helped the wife with some gardening. I think this virus turns you gay.

    Randal - Good choice!

    RT - Working on it.

    Lin - Exhausted, but still awake ENTERTAINING MY FANS!

    LMC - That's awesome! Wish him luck for me.

  17. Still sick? Maybe the joke I had on my blog is why you are sick. You haven't been putting Kyle's fingers in your mouth have you?!

  18. Oh, and you know what you were right. The word verification is reflecting the commentor! Mine was "studman"
