
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Guns. Lots Of Guns.

Tonight I get to strap on the Glock 17, break out the vest, and spend my night patrolling the mean streets of North Philadelphia. My partner and I will be the designated Gun Violence Detail, which means that when we hear gunshots, we gotta fly in.

Is there anything cooler?

Tonight should be extra thrilling, since we had a homicide last night. The victim was shot five times in the chest outside 22nd and Lehigh. Years ago, that was the site of Connie Mack Stadium. Now, it’s the site of drugs, gangs, and various types of gunplay.

Let’s see; I get to work a ten-hour shift responding only to shootings and they are going to pay me overtime to do it? Sweet!


  1. I can see ya walkin down the mean streets of Philly with guns spinning on each index finger while ya lob a nice gob of tobaccy spit that runs down your chin...

    go get'em!

  2. You know it is spring when you hear the crack of a gun....er, I mean bat. Or...you hear the crack addicts....you are in N.Philly afterall. Be safe.

  3. Like I tell the soldiers I write to--Take care and be safe!

    And wipe ya chin now and then! Chewing tabacca is so GROSS!

  4. Hope that it was a safe shift, and that you had nothing to respond to.

  5. As a friend, I can only say. . . .Could you leave you hockey money in a special place in case anything happens.

    I get an exact total for you. You can never be too careful with these things.

    Kevlar is nice. . . .Iron Man armour is better. Suit up! and be safe!

  6. I lied about the last comment thing. Good luck stormin' the castle.

  7. We had a stabbing here, and it was BIG news. And I'd be willing to bet that there are lots of folks besides me carrying, to judge from the stickers I see on cars and trucks around here.

    Same state, very different world.

  8. Peak - Tobaccy? Ich. Although a nice cigar occasionally sure hits the spot.

    AH - Long story short: it was a boring night.

    RT - Didn't hear one gunshot. Damned shame.

    FM - I would have had more fun with a shooting, but . . .

    Lin - Wore my vest. Relax.

    Sssteve - I wish.

    CP - It was safe (read: boring). Dang.

    Deathlok - Did Iron Man wear underwear, or was he au natural under there? And your hockey money will be enroute AFTER I take 6th from you.

    Doc - Thank you, Billy Crystal.

    Prof - We did have a stabing and a kid shot another with a BB gun, but that was all.

  9. Isn't it "Have Fun Stormin' the Castle". . . .just saying. . .

    As for Iron Man's underwear, I believe he has regular undies on coverby a microfiber material that when ionized becomes the pelvic part of the armor. I'll have to go and reread all 500+ issues. I'll be right back!
