
Sunday, April 02, 2006

Just A Reminder . . .

Daylight Savings Time begins at two o’clock this morning, and as a result, the following changes will take place:

My caption skills become mortal again, allowing underlings like The CUG to defeat me.

Deathlok pulls an all-nighter searching the skies for Phoenix (aka Jean Grey).

Right Wing Prof berates liberal students outside.

Uber breaks out the string bikinis. Yes!

Jill the Goat has one less hour to live.

Tyler breaks out the thong. Eww!

Enjoy the extra daylight kids; except you rat bastards in Arizona, I mean. Yeah, OKev and Rachel, I’m talking to you.


  1. Someone at my job went out and bought one of those clocks that adjusts itself to the right time automatically, and apparently there's no "AZ" switch to keep it from changing for daylight savings time. So there will be at least one clock that needs adjusting. I wonder how much extra they paid for that "feature."

    Hey, I knew yesterday's post was just a prank. You're too close to 30,000 to give up now.

  2. Butthead!! I went over to Ubers and there are no string bikinis!! You will be hearing from my lawyer!!!!

  3. I'm with sssteve - I think we'll have to make it a Class-action suit!

  4. Rach - SYLG's one year anniversary is on D-Day (June 6th). I was hoping to hit 50,000 by then. Not happenin'.

    Sssteve - Hey! Take it up with her! I tried!

    Anon - I'm in!

  5. I bet a LOT of people showed up at work at the wrong time today in Indiana, since this is the very first time Indiana has observed DST (it came up every year in the legislature, and folks feel as violently about DST as they do, oh, abortion).

    Now, Arizona is all alone, the only state that doesn't change clocks.

  6. Prof - Actually, Hawaii doesn't either. I just learned that yesterday.

  7. Oh. Hawaii. Okay, but they're way out in the middle of nowhere (how many hours are they behind California?)

  8. They're only 3 hours behind Ca. The only way I can keep track is using http://www.timeanddate.com/. I've got a "customized clock" that I update when ever my friends in the military are deployed.
