
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Our "Poles" Are Rising

As if Polish people aren’t ridiculed enough:

Warsaw, Poland – A former prison inmate is suing the state for the excess of orgasms he claims he had in prison. The inmate worked in a chamber with vibrating equipment used for concrete block production. “I pressed the equipment with my hips, very hard, it vibrated, I ejaculated every dozen minutes or so, and now I am infertile. I simply had too many orgasms,” says the ex-inmate in his letter to a prison administrator.

Prison administrator Franciszek Tarasewicz said the ex-inmate’s claim took him by surprise, but he is going to treat the matter seriously. “The inmate wants to discuss with me the amount of money he feels we owe him due to his health deterioration,” says Tarasewicz. “I admit it is the most extraordinary complaint that has ever been lodged with us.”

Okay, when everyone stops laughing, feel free to caption this story in the comments section.


  1. To prevent this problem in the future, prison officials hung a portrait of Helen Thomas on each wall in the room the equipment occupies.

  2. Was the brand of equipment named Bubbaski?

    Well...at least he won't be able to procreate.

    There would be on fool to complain, though...makes the phrase "hard up" take on a whole new meaning.

  3. I guess you have to call that "doing hard time"


  4. In an unrelated story, cement mixing machine company stocks were up in the neighborhood of 1200%...

  5. Where can I get this equipment? Every dozen minutes or so? Holy crap, I bet he was exhausted by the end of the day.

  6. Q: How many pollocks does it take to run a concrete block machine?

    A: only one, but it takes an awful lot of seamen!

  7. Polish inmate got his "bean flicked" one to many times!

  8. AFW - Oh dear GOD!!! That would work for me.

    RT - Heh, heh, "hard."

    Mel - Again with the "hard."

    CUG - Now THAT'S funny!

    Doc - I'm surprised he made it through the day!

    Vinnie - Funniest one yet!!! Pig.

    Fm - No kidding. Who would complain?

    Sssteve - Oh, nice.
