
Friday, April 21, 2006

People I Hate

No preamble today. Too tired.

Dana Priest

Priest, the hack "intelligence reporter" for The Washington Post, actually won a Pulitzer Prize for her story leaking - amongst other data - the infamous Terrorist Surveillance Program. You liberals like to refer to it The Domestic Spying Program, even though no one listens to (or cares about) your calls to your Gammy. As a result, murderous thugs like Osama bin Laden no longer attempt to phone contacts in the States, and countless American intelligence assets have been put at risk. Here's a paragraph from her winning entry:

"GST includes programs allowing the CIA to capture al Qaeda suspects with help from foreign intelligence services, to maintain secret prisons abroad, to use interrogation techniques that some lawyers say violate international treaties, and to maintain a fleet of aircraft to move detainees around the globe. Other compartments within GST give the CIA enhanced ability to mine international financial records and eavesdrop on suspects anywhere in the world."

Intelligence reporter? There's a contradiction in terms.

Philadelphia Municipal Court Judges

This is not a blanket condemnation, but it is pretty damned close. Everyone who is involved in the criminal justice system in this city is required to report to court by 9am. That includes police officers, witnesses, defendants, and jurors. Judges, however, are obviously able to make their own schedules. Today I had court at 9am, and by 9:30, the room was completely filled. Still no judge. At 10am, some of the attorneys asked when the judge would grace us with his presence. The court clerk said he didn't know. At 10:35AM, this knucklehead finally shows his face, after making 100 people wait in a hot, clustered room for an hour and a half. Unbelievable.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Yeah, who didn't see this one coming? The Scientologists (Heh, I just can't stop giggling when I mention that fraud "religion") decided that Katie would be silent during childbirth. I wonder how that worked out for her? The new arrival came without a hitch - except for the fact that its parents' are psychopaths - and the vapid entertainment world held their breaths waiting for the spawn's name. Tom and Katie decided on "Suri."


Jesus. From now on, I propose that any parent choosing such a ridiculous name be taken to the town square and beaten with book of (real) baby names.


  1. Are you going to choke on whatever you're eating if I say I agree with you?
    I wanted to throw something at the tv this morning when the Today Show was talking about TomKat, TomKitten, Bradwhatever, etc! And how EVERYONE wants to know everything! Give the world a break and shut up! These parents aren't married and yet they're fawned over like it's the most wonderful thing in the world! Poor babies! I could write a small book about how annoying these people are, but then I'd be sick to my stomach!

  2. Linda - Yeah, no one ever asks, "How is the little BASTARD?" do they?

  3. Right on as usual!!! And I even agree with linda!! Wow!

  4. Dana Priest - who cares about a whore who can write. All writers suck.

    Judges - Perhaps you should have went to Law school, sucka.

    Tom Foose and Stupid-ass - retards.

    Suri - I'm jealous my parents aren't gazillionaires.

  5. - Katie would be silent during childbirth

    Yeah. And Tommy would be hungry afterbirth.

  6. I can't find it in myself to hate Tom Cruise. I just pity everyone who has to be subjected to his insanity and I refuse to watch any of those fripperous morning shows (and Oprah) that are so infatuated with him.

    Greta Van Susteran is a Scientologist, too. As a result, aside from the fact that he hates her show, hubby can't even have it on in our house. He said that he can't take logical legal advice from someone who believes in Xenu. Or however you spell it.

  7. Sssteve - Agreeing with Linda is a Sign of the Apocalypse. Heh.

    Randal - "All writers suck?" Am I a writer?

    Insol - Thanks for that mental picture.

    AFW - Didn't know that about Greta. She seems like such a reasonable person.

  8. I hate Tom's and Katie's matching smiles and laughs...very freaky.

    I just got home from work (yes...18 hour day)...too tired to hate...except yesterday I was doing 50 mph on 73 in NJ and a deeck from MA in front of me was doing 35 and I couldn't get around him. He was driving his lib-o-mobile...suburu forrester...I almost flipped him off, too!
