
Monday, April 17, 2006

Q&A Time

Well, it’s that time again. It’s time to ask a real live Big City Detective your burning questions. Post your questions in the comments section, and I guarantee that I will have your funny answers on Tuesday. (Not a guarantee.)

I am ready for your wisdom.


  1. If they film the latest "Rocky" movie in Philly, will you volunteer to be in it? And what role would you play?

  2. What's with all the online pervs lately?

  3. Why am I here at work when I could be out golfing?

  4. 1. Anti, Alaska is gorgeous! I was there for work last year during the solstice. Wonderful! But there are a lot of hippies there. . .and people in the Federal Witness Protection program.

    Linda, in Wyatt's case, it's spelled "roll"!

  5. Wyatt, why don't you put those awesome (sarcasm) detective powers to good use and find out what happened to Uber?

  6. Why do fat chicks have to wear such small clothes?

    Why is Tom Cruise such a friggin' a-hole?

    How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie-pop?

    Why was Yuengling Lager good in college and now it sucks balls?

    Why is spandex made in Large and XL?

    Do ugly people realize that they aren't as beautiful as me?

    Why don't women understand the pleasure of a good buttercup? (For those who don't know what a buttercup is...it's when you're sitting in a chair and you fart. You then cup your hands together down by your taint and pull the sweet smelling fart goodness up to your(or someone else's) nose. It's awesome baby.)

  7. What do detectives talk about besides the cases when they are on the job?

    Where is the best place to live that is about 70-80 degrees, has low humidity, and has very little precipitation? Thanks.

  8. Another question I forgot to ask: May I give Mr. Graves a personal and formal introduction to Mr. Dave Schultz? I'd really appreciate it. If that cannot be arranged, may I introduce him Mr. Brashear (sp)? His postings on you blog entries make me think he is in need of meeting these fine men.

  9. RT - It's not his fault. He had lousy parents. Heh. Besides, Brashear is too busy letting the Rangers win the Atlantic to be disturbed. NICE SHOWING YESTERDAY, FLY GUYS!!!

  10. Dave Shultz - old, fat, slow...and 1/2 gay.

    Brashear - one word: STIFF! He's got 9 points all year; hell, Wyatt could almost do that. Doesn't step up when the team really needs him. He's so bad that they named a mobster after him on The Sopranos: Big P*ssy.

    2005-06 highlight: Was named Second Star vs. Ottawa on March 25 after scoring a goal. WooHoooooo: break out the Cristal!

    rt's just jealous because I'm so good looking!


  11. why was retrolicious dropped from the blog ring?

  12. Woo deathlok, you're not calling Wyatt a doughboy, are you? Better not go near any dark alleys with him! hehehe

  13. my question is: how did this thread turn so damn ugly?

    my other question is: why don't they let cops take all the cash they can find when there's a drug bust? it'd be like a bonus plan for cops! what better incentive to get get drugs off the street!

  14. Since I have become an aging, overweight silverback gorilla, in my fountain of middle age, when can I expect a courting call from Naomi Watts?

  15. Why didn't you name one of your sons Wyatt?

  16. When you got married were you "pure"?

  17. "When you got married were you "pure"?"

    - He's still pure!
