
Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Congratulations, Virginia! You have now passed New York as the dumbest state in the Union.

Moussaoui admitted his involvement in 9-11, and laughed about throughout the trial. And you give him life in prison? What the hell is wrong with you people???!!!

I guess it's true what we say at work: never trust your life to twelve people who aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.


  1. never trust your life to twelve people who aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.

    You could not be more correct.

  2. I do not think it would be cruel or unusual punishment to force this asswipe (which is a comparison that degrades toilet paper) to work at hard labor cleaning up Fresh Kills.

    There's no rehabilitation possible here, and he's never going to feel sorry for doing it... so we can at least make him as uncomfortable as possible.

    But the hippies would never let us do it.

  3. Who wants to start a pool for how long it takes for the convicts to gang-rape him in the shower?

  4. Hopefully they will put him in general population and then we could sneak in a P.L.A.T.O. in there and kill him.

  5. I forsee some corrections officers getting extremely poor eyesight, really bad hearing, and no ability to remember anything.

    I was expecting the life term...too many idiots in the world to think otherwise would happen.

    Dumbasses!!!!!! My dad wasn't in my life much, my mom was always working, I was a punk-ass kid on the streets....hmmm....I didn't feel the need to join a group of psychotics. In fact...if life was so rough for him (which seems to be the mitigating circumstance in the decision...well one of them) how did he become so hyper-educated???? He just a loop-job...asshat, m-fer, sob!

  6. RE fmragtops...is it still considered rape if he likes it?

  7. Interesting question. I keep forgetting that homosexuality is commonplace in some of the muslim world. I'm sure the convicts could find something displeasurable for him.

  8. Ty - It's a running gag in the police department, but it's true.

    AFW - All putting him in jail will do is give him more people (who will eventually get out) to convert to radical Islam.

    Fm - No such luck. Someone will protect him.

    Sssteve - How's "Pork Chop Night" sound to ya?

    RT - He's stupid like a fox, though. He knows exactly what he is doing, and knew that we would fold on the death penalty question. He's laughing himself to sleep as we speak.

    SK - Heh. He will learn to like it.

    Fm - "Drop the Soap Wednesday!"

  9. I think the jury gave him life because he was so damn eager for death.

    The death penalty lacks punch as a detterent against Jihadi deathmongers unless you use what I call the Pershing Method.

    Legend has it that Pershing captured 6 Islamic fundamentalist Moro chiefs who were leading a rebellion in the Phillippines. He put five against a wall, forced the 6th to watch them dip the bullets in pork fat, and then shoot the 5 chiefs.

    No Paradise, No Virgins, Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect Martyrdom.

    The 6th chief was sent home to tell the others what happened & their rebellion ended soon after.

    I don't think I could belong to any religion where your enemy can condemn you, but that's the Jihadi's Achilles Heel. So from now on all terrorism related executions must be done with pork products.

  10. Mox - I heard that story, and I agree it would be effective. Dr. Phat Tony had a fabulous post detailing P.L.A.T.O. The U.S. military's Pork-Laden Anti-Terrorist Ordnance. It was terrific!

  11. "Congratulations, Virginia! You have now passed New York as the dumbest state in the Union."

    As a resident of the Empire State, I am thoroughly insulted by this bull$hit statement!!!! We sent Hillary Clinton to the Senate. And we sent Chuck Schumer there too...twice!!!! We are way dumber than Virginia. Any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!!!!

    BTW, I really like exclamation points!!!!

  12. Wyatt, John does have a point about New York.

    I hope he rots in hell, gets bacon put into everything he eats, and learns where the phrase "you got a perty mouth boy" came from.

  13. Agree 100% with everything you said here. Pretty ticked off at how dumb these jurors are. After OJ, Michael Jackson and this I'm pretty disgusted w/the average idiot juror.

    And I meant to respond with "How Rude!!" to you telling me to shut-up on Blogs4Bauer monday night. I was just pointing out the obvious :-)))!!!

  14. CP, why do you wish such bad things on John. His comment was funny.
