
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tee-Ball: The "T" Stands For Fun!

Kyle getting yet another base hit.

On Saturday, my five-year old son Kyle took his first steps toward the Hall of Fame. It was his first tee ball game in the four and five-year old league, and I think I was just as excited as he was. Saturday was picture day at the field, and my son’s team (wearing maroon shirts) needed a name. The coach asked the players (both boys and girls) for ideas on a name. After nixing suggestions of “Pepperonis” and “Monkeys,” Kyle shouted out, “Hawks” – the perfect name for the child of a Saint Joseph’s graduate. Everyone approved, and The Hawks were official.

The game started, and the parents were given the ground rules. The game will last two full innings, and everyone gets an at-bat per inning. The last batter circles the bases after he or she hits the ball, and all throws are to first base. There are no outs, and every game ends in a tie. As far as an introductory league, these rules are terrific. Everyone has fun, and no one cares about winning or losing.

Kyle had his two at-bats, and as they say on ESPN, “He hit the ball real hard.” His fielding was better than average, and he has a great arm. (That’s not me talking; his coach told him he has to ease up on “throwing the ball so hard.”) In my absolutely biased opinion, he is the best kid on the team. At worst, he is in the top three.

After the game, Kyle was happy that the score was tied because, “That is fair, Dad,” and he admitted he had a blast. His second game was yesterday, and he played well in the field, and hit his second ball into the outfield. Kid’s a prodigy . . . and I’m a happy pappy.


  1. How cute!!! This stuff is good for the blood pressure. Maybe someday you'll be attending his first major league game. :) Your kids sound like they are too cute for words.

  2. Yeah Daddy Bear, you're too cute for words! heh
    Way to go Kyle!
    Poetic justice for someone who said he didn't like baseball! HA

  3. T-ball? Baseball? You just don't want to compete against him in hockey:) But someday........

  4. Hey copper, take his picture and have him sign it, then send it to me that I have his real rookie card and I will get rich! Whoo Hooo!! Sounds like a gamer!! Makes a dad proud doesn't it!

  5. What a sweetie.

    The kids always have fun at T-Ball. It's the parents who go ballistic in the stands that make it miserable (and who threaten everyone on the other team while sporting "War is not the Answer" bumper stickers).

    I'm glad you've got him in with such a good crowd.

  6. We had a blast in Teeball last year, this year is even more fun cuz I get to pitch it the boys on my team now... which are mostly the same boys I coached on the teeball team last year. It's so fun to watch them "get it" and this year we will even be having a playoff where we'll actually keep score! The boys are psyched...

    Have fun and give Kyle a highfive for me...

  7. BTW, happy pappy, we don't want to see you on the news in cuffs being led away for causing problems! ha
