
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cry Free Blogs!

Today, like Helen Thomas, SYLG is a man.

For today, Support Your Local Gunfighter is officially a member of The Alliance of Free Blogs. What is The Alliance, you ask? If I may quote Remulak Mox Argon, "Silly humans."

"The goal of the Alliance is to replace Instapundit as the biggest thing in the blogosphere by means of links, hits, and humor, thereby helping Alliance members evolve upward through the Ecosystem ."

Long story short: being an active member of The Alliance is like living on Main Street in America's Heartland. Most everyone knows your (blog) name, and they stop by often with freshly baked pies. Mmm!

Are you a member? (Of The Alliance, that is?) If not, get off the bench and get into the game!


  1. It's about time you chose your side in The Great Blog War.

  2. You just NOW joined? I thought you have always been a member.

  3. Congratulations. I just got back from the doctor, and I've lost 16 pounds since I began these treatments two weeks ago -- funny how you lose weight when you can't keep food down.

  4. Congratulations on finally achieving Earthling manhood.

    Is there going to be some sort of party or blog mitzvah to celebrate your pubesence? Tektak's come back from vacation and he's got a truckload of Canadian beer.

  5. Way to go Wyatt! So what did Evil Glenn say about SYLG?

  6. Fm - Are you on my side? If so, I defect. Heh.

    Ty - Yeah, I am a protagonist. Next up: the fifteen months it'll take me to convert to Haloscan for comments.

    Prof - How do I get what you had? Bikini season is here!

    Mox - Mmm . . . Canadian beer!

    GOP - "Support Your Local Gunfighter is the best thing to happen to law enforcement since Vic Mackey."

  7. You don't want what I have. Anyway, do you want to give yourself a shot every week and make yourself sick?

    Hep C.
