
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Her Super Power Is Hotness

I'm no sure what makes me want to see this film more: the laugh-out-loud funny trailers or Uma Thurman in a superhero outfit. Yummy!


  1. I'd have to go with Uma in a super outfit. It's a safe bet.

  2. I do not get all the hoopla over Uma Thurman at all!! I think she is downright ugly. She has this gaunt, anorexic look. But I'm just a chic so what do I know??

  3. lmc, I am with you, but she is female!

    Wyatt, Its up!

  4. I'm not big Uma either. Ever since I saw Pulp Fiction, I can't get past the residual skeeze factor.

  5. Woody - You are a wise sage.

    LMC - Not ugly, but she has looked either great (Gattaca) or brutal (some scenes in Kill Bill) in varying films.

    Sssssteve - Yeah, we can be picky.

    Fm - Get off my blog.
