
Monday, July 17, 2006

President Palmer Is Not Dead!

A Blogs4Bauer Conspiracy Theory

The crack staff at B4B has uncovered a conspiracy of epic proportions: President David Palmer is not dead!

Immediately after the alleged assassination, Palmer's body was flown to Cleveland, Ohio for medical treatment. The President was wearing a ballistic vest, but due to the rifle rounds used by the conspirators (including President Charles Logan), Palmer suffered a severe gunshot wound to the upper chest. Palmer was admitted into the ICU of the undisclosed hospital, and was given a new identity - that of Pedro Cerrano, a professional baseball player from Cuba.

Palmer adopted his new identity with vigor during his recuperation, and even learned the black arts of voodoo. His new idol, Jobu, by his side at all times, Pedro Cerrano made a complete recovery. With many of the members of the conspiracy still at large, Cerrano signed a one-year contract with the hapless Cleveland Indians under his assumed name. Ever the athlete, Palmer, er, Cerrano, won the starting position in left field, and was on his way to becoming a defensive all-star.

His hitting, however, was another story.

Convinced that the gods would not let him hit a curve ball, Cerrano hovered around the Mendoza line for much of the year. Even Jesus Christ Himself could not help him hit the breaking ball. At the all-star break, Cerrano has hit an incredible 20 home runs, while earning a despicable .215 batting average! Amazing.

If Cerrano can worry more about his hitting and less about the possible sniper rifle in the stands, the Indians may make the playoffs after all.

(Cross-posted at Blogs4Bauer)


  1. Bats are scared of curve balls.

  2. "Hat for bat. Keep bats warm. Gracias!" - Funniest movie . . . ever!

  3. "It's too high"
    "Who gives a F---; it's gone"

    My friends would watch that movie and then watch it again. We could quote that movie better than Dorn.

  4. "Vaughn was a juvenile delinquent in the off-season."


    When Willie Mays Hayes slides short of second base, I still laugh out loud.

  5. "He leads most offensive categories including most nosehair."

    And probably THE most quoted movie line ever, "Juuuuuuust abit outside!"

  6. I love that movie! Actually both of them! When Dorn has to take one for the team, it kills me! What a baby!

  7. My husband and I used to watch Major League all the time. I just re-watched it recently. But this is mean to get my hopes up about Palmer still being alive, sigh....

  8. "...Over the course of the first season (taking place over one day, as each season of the show does), Sherry revealed herself to be manipulative and amoral in what she was willing to do to secure her husband's presidency..."

    I'm sure there is something I can do to help the late President Palmer...(if Sherry is agreeable)

