
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Avast Ye Mateys!

Steve The Pirate would be proud . . . I think.

In a feat unparalleled since my swinging bachelor days, I saw my third feature film in two weeks. My friend Bill and I saw Superman Returns on July 3, the wife and I took the kids to see Cars last week, and last night I got to see Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. Mmm . . . Keira Knightley! (Drool.)

Normally, I would go into the usual movie review here, but since this film has made about (cue Dr. Evil voice) 100 billion dollars in its opening weekend, I'll assume you all saw it. Long story short: I thought it was fantastic. So much so that when I see the next movie reviewer who said, "It was just a commercial for Pirates 3," I'll punch them in the back of the head. Yes, the film was a cliffhanger. Yes, the film set up the third installment of the Pirates trilogy. Yes, I am repeating the same words over and over. And, no, I don't care.

Look, The Empire Strikes Back ended on the same kind of note. And, yes, it could be argued that Empire was a commercial for The Return of the Jedi. But guess what? Empire is widely considered to be the best (far and away) of the six Star Wars films.

So, go ahead and use that argument. I'll probably see Dead Man's Chest again.


  1. I'd like to see Kiera Knightly's chest! But then I think I would have a dead man's chest! Heh! I loved this movie it was great!

    btw, when you say punch them in the back of the head, you mean going through the face first right?!

    Oh yeah, Firrrssssssssst!

  2. I hate to say it Wyatt, but I disagree with teh Empire comment. I didn't like it that much. It seemed like it dragged on. Granted it had the key moments like the duel b/w Darth and Luke, and those things, but it seemed like the movie went by so sloooooow. I have to go with Return of the Jedi as my number one.

  3. SHADDUP! I haven't seen it yet.

  4. Oh and The Empire Strikes Back was the best. No questions. The whole tone of the movie really set it off from the "other" films.

  5. Ssssteve,

    I didn't know that one was out on video yet! :)

  6. Gasp....

    gop&college, how could you say such a thing. ESB was the best. It had the key moments, the freezing of Han, C3PO got blown up, another hand amputation, and the best stormtrooper uniform - on Hoth. Not to mention the introduction of the AT-AT...

    I agree, ROTJ did have Leia in that skimpy Jabba's Palace outfit, but to suggest it was the best...for shame...

    And Dead Mans Chest was a great movie. What are you waiting on Tyler?

  7. All - ROTJ had Ewoks, Lando piloting the Falcon, and Boba Fett dying like a bitch.

    TESB had AT-ATs, Han flying through asteroids, and Boba Fett kicking ass.

    This argument is over.
