
Monday, July 10, 2006

Yet Another Q&A

I have come to the realization that I have not posted anything even remotely funny since about May. Post topics have been hard to come by, and I need something to kick my creativity into gear. I doubt another Q&A will do the trick, but it was the first idea that come to mind . . . and I'm a lazy, lazy man.

Ask your questions in the comments section, and I'll post your answers later this week.


  1. Comment moderation is gay, because I can't tell if I'm FIRST!

    My question:
    Aren't my happiness and feelings of self-worth more important than your being able to filter asshats?

    My other question: Am I FIRST!??!?!?!

  2. My third question:

    WTF happened to the comment moderation?

    Not that I'm bitching.


  3. *shakes fist at CUG* crap I hate being second!

    Question: If a car left Philly at 8 pm on friday and arrived in Salem Oregon 12 noon on the following Sunday then the transmission went out the following tuesday would that car then be considered a bad buy? If purchased on that friday

    Sucker Joe Cool

  4. Is that a picture of Helen Thomas, or is it the 2005 winner of the scariest costume contest at the Philadelphia PD's Halloween party.

  5. Cross dressing again, Wyatt?

  6. Wyatt,

    That is one scarey pic!

    My question:

    Would you rather swap spit with Helen Thomas or Hillary Clinton? BTW, I'm talking major tonsil hockey!!!

  7. I would love to know who's arm Big Cuz snapped off.

  8. Why is it soooo frikkin hard to put some kind of warning label on photos of Helen Thomas? We have labels on cigarettes, beer, and video games. Is a Helen Thomas photo warning label too much to ask for? I mean something like, "Warning: This post contains images of Helen Thomas which have been clinically proven to cause erectile dysfunction."

  9. What made you want to be a policeman?

  10. who do I knock off to get a spot in one of your golf foursomes?

  11. If I ask to borrow your handgun to go kill some one, is that conspiracy to commit murder?

    Was the last question conspiracy to conspire to commit murder?

  12. Do you think Helen Thomas could get any uglier? Is she really still alive?
