
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Enter India

Welcome to the club.

BOMBAY, India - Seven bombs hit Bombay's commuter rail network during rush hour Tuesday evening, killing as many as 100 people and wounding more than 300 in what authorities called a well-coordinated attack.

My $0.02: the sooner the rest of the world realizes that no one is safe from a terrorist attack, the sooner we can all try to eradicate the problem (read: terrorists). Government policies have little to nothing to do with it. Hell, Spain pulled out of Iraq almost immediately after their citizens were threatened, and look what happened to them: deadly train bombings.

Al Qaeda and their Muslim extremist ilk have declared a fatwa on the infidels. In their mind, every non-Muslim is an infidel; and thus, a target. Once the fatwa is declared, it's over for the rest of us. They will not change their minds. They will not call it off. And they absolutely will not stop until every non-Muslim on earth is dead.

So let's stop playing games, shall we?


  1. India has actually had quite a bit of terrorist activity within their borders. There is a very active muslim separatist group at work there, and of course Pakistan keeps stirrin' up the, well, you know.

    A few years ago Muslim extremists shot up the Indian parliament and India and Pakistan came within a hair's breadth of setting off nukes at each other (we even sent the SecDef down there to try and forestall that).

    India's problems with our WoT is actually well founded - their problems are mainly Pakistani imports and we are best buddies with Pakistan at the moment; which gives Pakistan a modicum of free reign. You know, "You can't hit me back! I'll tell America and they need our bases!"

    This is far from the first large scale terrorist attack in India.

    Oh, goodness. Sorry for the dissertation. My excuse is that I majored in Pol Sci and I'm married to an "intel weenie."

  2. I think India had a bombing this time last year. I think it was soon after the London bombings. (Could be totally wrong, though.)

    Kashmir or maybe because of the missle testing last week.

  3. well put... a dead terrorist is the only good kind of terrorist. :)

  4. Lets get these kid gloves off and get the job done!!
