
Thursday, August 24, 2006

Let's All Go To The Lobby . . .

And have ourselves a tall cold pint o' Guinness! My team of Vinnie, Badger, Burger, and Sammy, we took a miserable sixth place in Quizo last night. Of course, we then drowned our sorrows in shots of Jameson, Grape Vodka, and something blue. Not the best idea for yours truly, who had court this morning! Tired and hung over, I made it to court, and we received a continuance until October.

Time spent in court: 19 minutes.

Overtime earned: 4 hours. Automatic for a day off.

Life is good.

Life "should" be even better in a few hours, as our Verizon DSL kit has arrived. Unfortunately, I know as much about computers and program installation as I do about writing, so it is going to be a long day. Some of my computer geek blog buddies (Anti-Hippie, Rachel, et al) better be around to answer my simian-like questions.

Wish me luck.

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