
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

These Things I Believe

From time to time, I feel it is necessary to inform my new readers about my current take on the world. (Because I never voice my opinion here, right?) My friend Sean (Badger's brother) always tells me that he never reads The Real Wyatt here. Well today, he will.

Editor's Note: This post will probably piss a lot of you off.

* I believe that the Politically-Correct counterculture is ruining this country, and I haven't said that "I'm a proud American" in quite some time.

* Similarly, I believe that if you are offended by the phrase, "Merry Christmas," you are just a frakkin' scumbag troublemaker. If someone wishes me Happy Kwanzaa, I don't throw a fit. Start acting like adults, you morons!

* I believe that the dual-origin crap is just that: crap. Guess what? If you're black, you're black; not "African-American." If you're white, you're white; not "European-American." Pick a friggin' origin and stick with it!

* I believe that the six Muslim Imams taken off a plane for praying and chanting "Allah," on the tarmac should not only have been detained, but also should have been beaten by the passengers. Try that on my plane, Buckwheat, and see what happens. And don't give me this "racism" crap; when Roman Catholics fly planes into buildings in the name of Christ, you can do the same to me.

* I believe that Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad should be assassinated immediately. If not, we should at least nuke Tehran before he tries to do the same to Jerusalem.

* I believe that civil unions should be legal in the United States. Gay marriage? Not yet, but I'm slowly accepting that idea. Similarly, I believe that God doesn't give a rat's ass is you are gay. He has more important issues to fret about.

* I believe that America is not ready for a woman President and/or a black President. And if we were, we certainly wouldn't elect two morons who have done nothing politically, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

* I believe that President Bush threw Donald Rumsfeld under the bus, and is now cowering at the altar of the Nancy Pelosis of the country. So, you lost the midterm elections, most parties do in a President's sixth year. Get over it, and get back to doing what we elected you to do!

* I believe that with a homicide rate approaching 400, the blacks in Philadelphia are committing genocide against their own race. To that I say, serves you right. That's what you get for worshipping rap artists, NBA players, and other thugs.

* I believe that when less popular kids get constantly picked on in school, they will eventually lash out. I believe all kids know this, but don't care until the less popular kids shoot up a school. Personally, I can't blame the Columbine assassins.

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