
Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Thinker

Way back in April, TrekMedic nominated me for a Thinking Blogger Award. Unfortunately, he did so a mere two days before my trip to Disney World, so I put it on the list of Things To Do When I Get Home. Soon thereafter, I forgot about it entirely. D'oh!

Three months later, I am cleaning out my old e-mails and found the link to the original post and to Trek's nomination. Since he was kind enough to nominate me, I should at least follow through on the process. Here are the guidelines, taken from the original Thinking Blogger Award post:
1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote.
That doesn't sound too difficult. Here are five blogs that make me think (and if you have already been nominated, I apologize for the "double dip") . . .
  • Blogmeister USA. Pam is my go-to girl for all things political. Whether she's ridiculing moonbats like Cindy Sheehan or proudly prodding Fred Thompson to get into the damned race already, she always does it with style.
  • Radioactive Liberty. Fitch is, in a word, hysterical, and should be getting more daily hits than I do. Why? Well, because he's funnier than me, and because he is a true Jedi Master of satire (see also: Dead Muslim Babies: It Really IS What's for Dinner).
  • GOP and College. Yeah, I know it's another political blog, but GOP and College gets a nomination purely for being cited in The Weekly Standard. SYLG? It gets cited in drunken bar discussions entitled, "Why does this tool have a blog?"
  • What Panda? When she's not shaving her head or popping out babies like a PEZ dispenser, Pandy is your 24-hour source for all insight military. When something big happens with our troops - the Abu Ghraib mess comes to mind - she is the first one to dole out the verbal and written punishments. When I want to know what's on the mind of our troops, I stop by Pandy's place.
  • The Conservative UAW Guy. One of my oldest blog friends, Jimmy B tells it like it is. Whether he's singing the praises of his newest firearm, or lamenting the fact that the country's voting populace is less than informed, you can always count on him to speak his mind. He's good like that.
Well, there you go. I have fulfilled my Thinking Blogger Award obligation, albeit three months late. In the immortal words of Maxwell Smart, "Sorry about that, chief."

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