Two years ago, I wrote a post entitled "
Guilty Pleasures." It started off as a goof, which turned into a voluntary meme for a few of my blog pals. But, it was a fun post to write, and I could use some fun in the middle of our day work tour, since day work sucks ass. So, let's break out
Guilty Pleasures, Volume II.
Kid's Candy. I know, you are all picturing me in a trench coat, saying,
"Hey, little girl, do you want some candy?" Well, the truth of the matter is that in real life, I'd tell the kid to get her own damned lollipops! Tootsie Roll Pops and Blow Pops - Heh, heh, "blow" - are awesome, but if you really want to lure me into a bear trap, just leave some Pez (
left) lying around.
Pez. Where do I begin? It's delicious, it's crammed full of sugar, and they come with a keen dispenser that makes snacking easy. It's Heaven in a package. What's not to love?
Kid's candy is nature's perfect food, and honestly, the best part about having children is that you can buy this junk and say it's for them.
Cheesy Action Movies. While every movie buff relishes an action movie with an interesting, intelligent plot, sometimes you just want to watch crap explode. And, since I've been banned from the restrooms at Taco Bell -
there was "an incident" - I have to watch exploding crap on the big screen.
And for me, it doesn't get any better than films like
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,
Behind Enemy Lines, and one of my all-time favorites . . .
Broken Arrow. Yeah, Broken Arrow. I love this film. John Woo directs Travolta, Slater, and
Eric Forman's father. Classic!
What? You didn't think so? Oh well, I guess I won't invite you over to Wyatt's Movie Night.
History, History, History! Okay, reading stacks and stacks of history books may not be considered a guilty pleasure in the classic sense, but what many students spend hours trying to avoid, I try to attract. Probably 75% of my literary collection is comprised of works of history and/or biographies of key figures in history. I cannot get enough.
And boy, if you really want to lure me into a ditch, lead a trail of Pez to the canyon with
this book at the end.
Stalin's Folly (left) is my current read, and after only about 100 pages in, it is easily one of the best WWII books I have ever opened.
Knight's Cross, a biography of Erwin Rommel is terrific, too, if a little tough at times. Reading history is not a chore to me, it is a pleasure.
Well, there ya go. Another glimpse into the train wreck that is my mind.
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